(Bonus Story) Darren's Mate - Morning After

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Darren could feel Spencer leaking against his stomach, cock trapped between them, and worked a hand in to wrap his fist around it.

Spencer's moans rose in pitch as he tried to thrust into Darren's hand and push back on his cock at the same time. His claws raked down the taller man's sides in a way that made Darren see stars.

"Fuck!" he cursed, reaching his free hand up to grab the back of Spencer's hair, yanking his head back to lick at his neck.

He pounded into him harder, needing to bury himself deeper, deeper, and Spencer whimpered in his ear and his gums ached - he wanted to -

"Spencer," he croaked, voice hoarse, raking his teeth along the smooth skin underneath his jaw,

"...Can I...?"

"Ngh, aaahh, yes, ah, I want to, me too..."

"Bite you - cum for me - "

"Yes, fuck - ah! - Darren!"

Hearing his name in that breathless, wrecked voice made a snarl tear out of his throat and he released Spencer's hair so that the other werewolf could nuzzle into Darren's neck.

It might not do much, between alphas.

But they both felt that need - they both felt the desire coiling in their guts, their mate's scent burning in their nostrils, the blood pounding through their gums, canines aching to bury in hot flesh.

And it would leave a mark. On both of them - for all the world to see, even the ones that wouldn't be able to smell their scents all over each other, would see the hickeys, the torn, bitten skin.

Spencer's mark on him.

Damn it all, if the very thought of it didn't make him burn all the hotter, make his cock pulse inside his mate's tight ass, make his hips stutter as he fucked into him harder, faster, hitting that little bundle of nerves. Spencer writhed in the grass beneath him, shouting out his name.

"Darren, ah, God I'm going to...!"

It was enough to drive him right over the edge.

With one last deep thrust he growled, feeling Spencer's cock pulse in his hand as he spilled between them, and bit down hard.

At the same time he felt long, pointed canines dig into his trapezius muscle, tearing into him with a deep searing ache that made his cock pulse, his vision blackening.

He came and came, ripples and shivers wrecking both their bodies, sweat-slick limbs tangles together, air punched out of their lungs so that they were gasping.

Darren realised that Spencer's legs had unwound from his waist and that he was holding them open, pushed as far apart as they would go, and that he could taste blood in his mouth from where his fangs sat buried deep in his mate's shoulder.

His vision was still mostly black and white, too-sharp and too-bright. 

With a sigh, Spencer withdrew his teeth from Darren's flesh - leaving a pounding, searing ache that felt fucking good (best not think too deeply about that) and stared at him, who saw that his mate's eyes were blown wide and black, even in the golden evening sunlight.

Darren pulled his mouth away slowly and bent to lick the wound, then his own crimson blood off Spencer's lips.

He nuzzled in under the younger man's chin, breathing in his amazing scent, something soft and tender threatening to spill out from his chest.

Spencer ran his soft hands through Darren's messy brown hair, his nails running over his scalp in a way that made him shiver, eyes closing with a deep, contented sigh.

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