Chapter 3

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I entered the room where I would paint and make crafts when I'm filled with boredom. This was the place where I made my midnight sun painting. I'm good at arts, this could impress the family, I thought. What should I paint? The question rang through my head. I had multiple ideas in mind, a silhouette holding a red rose, blood moon, blood star.

I wanted to paint all three but it would take a lot of time and I might anger my parents. I decided to paint a blood moon. I grabbed my brush and canvas and began painting. The fine tip of the brush added a tint of red to the white canvas. I felt as if this process was symbolic.

The moon is white, slowly turning red when it becomes a blood moon. Like a canvas, it's white but being painted with red to form a visually pleasing blood moon through art. If white turns red, that means two things. Innocence has turned into violence... or a lifeless person has been given a spirit or soul.

I continued giving color to my canvas. I was excited to show the final product to The Rectores family. The brush went from different strokes, the movement satisfied the muscles of my hands. With art, I can express my talent or whatever symbolic message I want to present. 

I noticed a shadow that made its entrance to my room. I turned to my left to see Prince Gerald standing by the door, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at the conference room."

"I was bored and I decided to look for you," He replied, a smirk grew in his lips. "So, what are you doing in this room?"

I looked at my painting and then gazed back at his eyes, "It's pretty obvious, you can see what I'm doing."

Prince Gerald laughed shortly, "You're really funny-" I cut him off, "It wasn't even funny," Afterwards, I laughed sarcastically. I ignored him and resumed painting the blood moon. He ambled towards me and took a look at the canvas. "It's... beautiful. It's beautiful, like you."

I rolled my eyes and continued painting. Prince Gerald kept annoying me, "What's with the face? Don't be a grumpy wolf, it's gonna make you age faster." He laughed. "Would you be quiet?" I said in an exasperated voice.

After that, he stopped vexing me. The room was full of silence, just the sound of dripping paint and morning ambience. Prince Gerald was staring at me with those eyes as if he's seen me before. He examined me from head to toe. I finished my painting as early as I could, I'm a fast artist thanks to my flexibility. I stood up and fixed my mess. Prince Gerald quickly got up to his feet, "Let me help you with that." I gazed upon him and replied, "It's okay, I can do it myself." He looked at me and insisted that he'd help. I gave up and inclined my head.

I grabbed my paint cans and placed them inside the drawer with my paintbrushes. I held my hands out to carry the canvas stand, Prince Gerald came to help me carry it to its original position. I didn't need to carry the canvas, I just needed to see how helpful this annoying prince was. "Thank you, Prince Gerald." He bowed down, "Please, call me Gerald." I pursed my lips and nodded in response.

"Your painting is visually appealing to the eye, have you considered being an artist?" He asked. I was complimented by what he had just told me. "Thanks, I've been painting since I was at a young age. Maybe I'll be the creative queen of this generation," I ended with a laugh, he and I laughed together. I heard growing footsteps and shadows, it was my family and Gerald's family. They finished their important meeting on time.

"What have you prepared, my dear?" Queen Veronica asked me. I responded shyly, "I have made a painting for you all to see." I walked over to the canvas stand and grabbed my finished artwork, I showed to them my blood moon painting. I could see how astonished they were with my art. King Vernon rejoiced, "You are one fine artist, dear!" Queen Veronica agreed with her husband.

I gazed at my parents, they seemed proud of me. My mother and father decided to give Queen Veronica and King Vernon a tour around the palace and its chambers. Stella walked to me and smirked, "So, what did you and Prince Gerald do in this room?" I smiled, "Nothing, he watched me paint the blood moon."

"Oh really? Nothing else?" Stella stared at me and narrowed her eyes.

"Nothing else." I sighed, "Anyways, how was it in the conference room?"

"It was dull. Though, I had a fun chat with Prince Seth," She responded in a voice as if she was about to faint.

"I think you found your prince," I winked at her.

"Stop it," She rolled her eyes and catched up with Prince Seth. Those two are really adorable together. I decided to conversate with Gerald. He was examining the paintings on the walls, most of the paintings in this palace were from me. "You have talent," He complimented. "Thank you," I answered and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

Gerald came to a halt when he saw a painting of a river. "This river looks familiar. Oh, I came here before."

"Really? That's my favorite river. It's a relaxing place to loosen the mind from stress."

"It is," He replied.

3 Hours Later. I entered my bedroom and my legs are about to give up. The Rectores family is quite interesting. I removed my dress and changed into my night clothes for a cozy nap.

I layed down on my bed and let my back rest against it. Today was filled with fun activities that got me exhausted and craving for sleep. I couldn't stop smiling, I remembered how cute Gerald's stare was. He's annoying but he's helpful and good looking after all. He must have been that man I've seen along the river.

I shook off any thoughts that would stop me from taking my deep slumber. Tomorrow is another tiring day for a wolf princess, I have a plan tomorrow night. I shut my eyes and eventually dozed off to sleep.

Tomorrow. I went outside the gates of my kingdom and headed towards the river. The sunlight was slowly fading as the clouds merge up in the sky. I continued to walk, the river is the best place to go and relax. Suddenly, I heard noises originating from the bushes. The noises seemed suspicious, I readied myself. An eerie silhouette emerged out of the bush and revealed a beautiful girl, the same age as mine.

She coughed, "Excuse me, do you know where the Lycan Kingdom is? Am I near it?" I was surprised, another wolf who will visit our kingdom. She must be from Tundra. "Yes, I do. In fact, I am Princess Snowdust of Lycan Kingdom."

"Oh, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am very excited, I'm in the zone of your presence. I always wanted to see this kingdom, I've heard of it," She answered, she held my hands and knelt. "I want to be your servant."

I knelt down to her level and stared at her eyes, "Who are you?"

"E-Esmeralda, I am Esmeralda," She stammered, the girl looked down.

"How did you know of our kingdom?" I asked.

"I left my house, my parents disowned me. They disowned me for doing an act. I regret it now. So, I came across a stranger named Doctor Leandro, he told me the directions."

"I see. Let me guide you," I said, I continued holding her hands as I led the way to the wolf den.

As she and I were at a close distance from the wolf den, Esmeralda fainted. I called out for help. I decided to shape shift into a wolf. I carefully place Esmeralda on the ground as I begin my transformation. My hazel brown eyes turned teal, my skin slowly grows out white fur, I took a jump until I transformed into a wolf. I stared at Esmeralda as she slowly levitates in my vision until she was secure on top of my back.

I howled then sprinted swiftly, I entered my kingdom once again. The citizens watched in amazement as they saw me carry Esmeralda in my wolf form. I slowed down once I went near the den's infirmary. I entered and was greeted by Doctor Lia, she led me to a room with a bed. I unhurriedly placed Esmeralda on the bedding.

"Don't worry, I'll check on her and give you information." Doctor Lia reassured me.

I nodded and went back to the palace and to my bedroom. I stepped towards the mirror to look at my reflection. This wolf form is stronger, more powerful. It is equipped with magic. I'll continue my journey. I shape-shifted back to my human form and dressed up. 

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