Chapter 1: 水仙花

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Chapter 1: 水仙花


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1: 水仙花

"Love is every bit as violent and dangerous as murder" (Knut Hamsun).

Yoongi hated being lied to. He despised it. Being the leader of one of the most notorious mafia organizations in the country, he required his subordinates to always tell the truth. His main rule is trust, and if anyone breaks it, they face severe consequences. Last week, he had sent Jaehyun and Lee out on a mission to deliver a significant amount of crystal to a customer; however, just yesterday, Jaehyun was the only one that came back. And even worse, he had zero cash on him. Yoongi was reaching his boiling point, especially since his worker refused to say what happened.

“Jaehyun, I am going to ask you one last time,” Yoongi said softly, his voice oozing with venom. “If you don’t tell me where Lee is and where all that money went, I will lose my shit.”

Jimin just giggled, wrapping his legs around Yoongi’s waist, finding his dominance extremely attractive. The two were on a large leather sofa with Jimin sitting obediently on the mafia leader’s lap while Jaehyun kneeled nervously in front of the power couple.

“S-sir, I promise you I will pay you back the money that I owe from losing the ten pounds, I am very sorry,” he stammered.

Yoongi slammed the coffee table in front of him, letting out a frustrated groan. Jimin just cooed, giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. But Yoongi was completely ignoring his lover,  his eyes set on one of his idiotic dealers.

“Jae, I didn’t ask about the meth, I am asking about what happened to it and where the fuck Lee is,” Yoongi barked. His patience was coming to a boiling point and if it weren’t for his imperative need for the information (and also Jimin’s peculiar interest in the man), Yoongi would have shot him by now. Losing a distributor as good as Lee was going to impact him greatly.

“Please sir,” Jaehyun whispered, his voice cracking. “Please don’t kill me.”

Jimin sighed in disappointment, climbing off Yoongi’s lap and slithering towards the kneeling man. The latter’s heart skipped a beat in fright when he saw him come near, and he jumped when Jimin’s cold hands touched his shoulder.

“Jaehyunnie, just tell us, won’t you? Begging isn’t going to help you know,” Jimin said, his voice low as he played with the dealer’s hair. “Cut the bullshit out unless you wanna to get hurt, and we really don’t want that, don’t we?”

“Y-yes sir,” Jaehyun stuttered out. He gave himself a moment to catch his breath before finally explaining what went down that night. “During our trip, Lee and I were waiting for the customer to come, but when we heard a loud noise, we split up. Lee had the crystal when both of us tried to escape, but I was the only one who made it out.”

“Do you know who did it?” Yoongi inquired.

“I saw that all the gun holsters had a V on it,” Jaehyun replied. “V is the leader of the North End, and he does assassinations for clients. I believe it was him that did it.”

“Why would they want to kill Lee?” Yoongi said, balling up his fists. He couldn’t believe that someone had the unmitigated tenacity to kill one of his men. He knew who V was; everybody in the black market business knew. But Yoongi thought that with V being a leader of a very infamous and feared organization, the assassin would be smart enough to not to start a war with other mafia groups.

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