Chapter 4: Snapdragon

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"It's all fun and games 'till someone falls in love" (Melanie Martinez)

         Jimin twisted the strands of mint hair in between his fingers, Yoongi’s head in his lap. Jungkook had left three hours ago, but neither could sleep.

        “I wonder if Jungkookie has made it in yet…”

         Yoongi grunted, sitting up, and pulling Jimin down so that their positions were switched. The younger wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s waist, squeezing lightly.

        “I don’t like the idea of him being alone with that bastard.”

         “It was your idea!” Jimin smacked his thigh. “I don’t like it either, but Kookie’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.”

         “Yah, you think I don’t know that,” Yoongi retorted, his tone teasing. He lightly dug his fingers into his boyfriend’s side, the latter giggling.

         “S-stop it! Yoon-gi!” Jimin tried to roll away, but the other held him in place. He was relentless, and Jimin was left gasping for air between laughs. When the fingers finally stilled, Yoongi leaned down to kiss Jimin’s hair.

        Screw what his members would think if they ever saw them like this, but these were some of Yoongi’s favorite moments with Jimin. The moments where they could forget their titles of gang leaders behind them and just be themselves. It reminded him of when they first became friends, way before they even thought of becoming lovers. Despite the five-year difference in age, Jimin had been the first to crack the walls that Yoongi’s father had built up.

         “I’m worried about him,” Yoongi murmured.

        The elder would never admit it out loud, but he sometimes cared a bit too much about his members. He was even more protective over Jungkook, having met him when he was only an innocent child. Jimin nuzzled against his stomach, looking up at him with hooded eyes.

        “Maybe I can help get your mind off it.”


         It took Jungkook approximately five seconds before he registered that he wasn’t in his room. He shot up, wide awake and breathing rapidly. Memories of last night flooded his mind. V, witnesses a murder, being offered a position in the gang providing special services , his hand around his--

         “Finally awake, sleeping beauty?”

        The deep voice startled him, and his eyes darted over the source of the voice. V stood in front of a full-length mirror, buttoning the cuffs of his shirt. The mafia leader was smirking, watching Jungkook through the glass.

         Jungkook could feel himself shrinking under his gaze, and he quickly dropped his head, murmuring a quiet “Good morning.”

         “No need to be shy, baby,” Taehyung said, a playful smile strung on his face as he turned around to face the boy. Jungkook flushed at the pet name. He hated V’s tone, and how small it made him feel. “The bathroom is right through that door. Feel free to shower, there’s clothes for you on the dresser. Just be ready for breakfast in twenty minutes. I’ll send someone up to get you.”

         V barely spared him a glance as he left, leaving the spy all alone. Jungkook waited a few minutes before moving, but he didn’t want to know what would happen if he wasn’t ready on time. He’s already seen what the other was capable of.

         The bathroom was just as luxurious as the bedroom: endless bottles of shampoo and body wash lined the wall near the shower. A large porcelain tub sat on the opposite wall, and multiple, fluffy towels hung from golden hooks by the door. Jungkook grabbed bottles at random, not really caring about whatever expensive properties they had.

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