Chapter 13: Hiraeth

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“sometimes people will stab you in the back and ask you why you're bleeding" (unknown).

“Kill him.”

The words echoed off the walls of the room. 

Jimin snapped his head to the leader, the words foreign to him.

“What did you just say?”

Taehyung stepped forward, making Jimin instinctively take a step back. “I said kill him, Park. Shoot. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

Yoongi’s eyebrow raised at the threat, twiddling with the gun in between his fingers. Ever since he agreed to share the throne with Jimin, his boyfriend had become cold and distant just like every mafia leader should. Never in the past eight years had he seen Jimin take a step back.

“Do you not care for him?” Jimin screamed through grit teeth, his grip tightening on the Glock. “If you surrender right now, his brains won’t go flying off the wall, V.”

Jungkook, whose mind was still clouded with illness heard the words of the North End leader. He was dizzy with confusion but unable to say anything. He knew he had lied to the man, but his feelings for him definitely were real. Jungkook had thought that he showed that well, and Taehyung was so sweet to him. But what was the sudden change of heart? Was this the end for him? Did Taehyung never care for him like he thought he did?

Whatever the younger wanted to say, was abruptly halted with a harsh kick in the stomach. Jungkook wheezed, coughing up blood as he curled into a tighter fetal position, glaring at the leather shoes that had attempted to carry him to safety just minutes before.

“Does it look like I care about him, Park?” Taehyung said casually, his toe poking at the limp body. “I liked its ass, that’s it. Sorry if I gave off the wrong impression.”

Jimin couldn’t even form words. He had calculated everything perfectly: threaten V to bow down to him by using Jungkook. He expected a total collapse of the North End leader, shocked of such betrayal. His vulnerability exposed, a gun pointed straight at the man’s weakness. He thought he would be able to take his organization and make it his. This was a multi-million dollar industry that V -- no, his grandfather -- had created. If he could monopolize both the black market and the assassination ring, they would rule the country.

Everything he had planned out was going down the drain. Eventually, the opposing leader’s men would find them, and if they can’t get Taehyung to surrender, no way in hell would his men. Yoongi and he would have to run. It was dangerous for them to stay here. Every minute was precious.

Jimin’s smirk appeared again, a laugh barking out from his lips. “I enjoy breaking you into tiny little pieces, V. To think I’d fall for that silly little trick.”

“What trick?” V replied cooly, his voice remained calm, his straight face never breaking. He didn’t really hear what Jimin said, his mind still running on the words Jungkook had mentioned before. He’d gotten used to applying a straight face while his mind was exploding with all sorts of thoughts.

Jungkook was a spy.

He was a spy for Kobra. And It made him angry that he was sostupid for letting something like that slip under his nose.

Why did he never kill Jungkook the moment they met?

Because he was beautiful.

Why didn’t he notice?

Because you loved him.

Why was he so hurt?

Because your lover betrayed you.

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