Chapter 10

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“I didn’t fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things we’d choose anyway. And I’d choose you in a hundred lifetimes, a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.”- Kiersten White

    Jimin laughed manically, a deadly glint his eyes as he looked at the sight in front of him. The North End leader was standing protectively in front of Jungkook. The man had practically lept out of his seat, and if it hadn’t been necessary to keep Jungkook’s cover, he would have congratulated the spy. This is too fucking easy. He thought, cocking his head as if surprised.

    "Well, look what we have here, hm? Protecting you little slut, I see. I didn't expect you to be so weak, V-ssi,” Jimin cackled, his eyes swimming with fire.

    V bristled, his hands clenching into fists by his sides.

    "If protecting my loved ones makes me weak, then I'm certainly not the weakest one here," V snarled, his heart still pounding from the thought that Jungkook could have been put in grave danger.

    Jimin tightened his grip on his gun. Of course, he understood what the enemy leader was implying. It wasn't a secret that him and Yoongi would always protect the other instead of themselves, but this situation was different. Jungkook and V weren't in love.

    Perhaps V was. Now that would make things much more fun. The look on the bastards face when he found out about Jungkook's true loyalties would be priceless. Jimin grinned, raising his gun a little higher so that it pointed directly at V's forehead.

    He opens his mouth to say something, but any and all words leave his mind when he hears the sound of a gun going off next to him.


    Yoongi stared at the pile of dust and broken ceiling tile in front of him. His heart was pounding as he looks up at the small bullet hole in the ceiling of the office directly above him. He snapped his head forward, and nearly chokes when he sees who's holding the gun.

    Jungkook was shaking, the pistol in his hands threatening to fall. His eyes were  trained on Yoongi, breathing wildly. His expression was completely unreadable. The realization of what just happened hit him in the gut.


    He didn’t even care that Jungkook’s gun is still pointed at him, his first priority was always Jimin. He glanced over at the latter,, making sure he was okay before making any rash decisions. Jimin, just as surprised as Yoongi was, quickly picked his jaw up from the ground, clenching his fists tightly. The playful expression he had earlier had completely disappeared, replaced by the true mafia leader Jimin had inside of him.

    "I'm okay, sweetheart, I'm okay."

    Yoongi nodded, wanting more than anything to touch his boyfriend, to make sure he was okay. Jimin may be mentally and physically strong, but he was far less experienced than Yoongi, and the latter’s touch always calmed the pink haired man down. But they couldn’t have a make out session now.

    They had a traitor to deal with.

    The two both cocked their heads to Jungkook, their faces unreadable. They had been shot at multiple times, but this one hit the worst. The aim was terribly off but as the debris came drifting down from the ceiling, the realization of such betrayal tugged at the two leader’s heart strings.

    “Get out.” It was Yoongi who spoke, his voice so cold it burned Jungkook’s heart.

      "Suga-ssi… I-" Jungkook stammered out, his gun dropping to the ground with an eery thud, surprised at himself for what he did. But he didn’t regret it. As long as Taehyung was safe, he would do almost anything.

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