Chapter 9: 予感

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“I’m trying to be cool

I was trying to be like you

I’m a spark

You’re a boom

What am I supposed to do?”

Troye Sivan

Jimin crinkled his nose at the smell of candle burning next to him. It was supposed to smell like pumpkin spice, but it moreover smelled like cow shit. He didn’t blow it out though since he was still crunching numbers from Kobra’s previous month’s spending and earnings. Blowing it out would leave him in utter darkness.

They had cut off the electricity and wifi in the building starting yesterday. It was the safest way to make sure Namjoon, the North End hacker, didn’t track anybody down. The man could find the record of anybody by simply pressing a button, and Yoongi and Jimin were never going to take that risk. The two of them didn’t mind doing this.

They started it after all.

After sending two groups last week to interfere with V’s assassinations, the North End leader was definitely getting agitated. Not once, but twice had the man called the power couple, suggesting they talk it out or stop the sabotages, but Jimin simply ignored him.

Oh yeah, they also cut the electricity and wifi to stop that annoying ass North End leader from constantly barking in their faces through the telephone.

Yoongi on the other hand, was in the master bedroom, taking a shower after his long day with the new recruits. Ever since their little war with the North End, people, who likely ones that were on V’s hit list, have been begging to join the organization in order to protect them from V. The scarlet-haired leader was being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to murder clients’ enemies, and if Kobra were to oppose them, then they were basically the targets’ safe haven.

Jimin checked the grandfather clock: 11:34 pm. He would have to finish the budgets before Yoongi got out of the shower (around 11:40 pm) and decided to fall asleep (11:41 pm). Yoongi was basically a ninety-year-old trapped in a twenty-seven-year-old’s body. He would crash the moment his head touched the pillow, and Jimin definitely didn’t want that to happen tonight. After a stressful week, the two hadn’t been able to get intimate, and Jimin was horny .

The shorter leader squinted at his paper, attempting to read the numbers with the yellow dim light flickering, causing shadows to dance upon the spreadsheet. He was almost finished, finally calculating their last spending. Jimin didn’t really count it as a spending, but more of a loss. It was the ten pounds of crystal meth that had been lost during the assassination of Lee. The meth was worth a million US dollars, one of their biggest deals ever, but Lee was worth so much more.

The dealer had been working for Yoongi’s father before the mint-haired man stepped up to the plate. Lee was one of their most trusted men, and always reliable. Although he was old enough to be Jimin’s father, the latter was just as skilled as he was twenty years ago. Over the years, Lee had sold eighteen hundred pounds of meth and had two thousand successful illegal weaponry exchanges. Losing him -- a skilled dealer and friend to the organization -- was absolutely devastating.

Jimin’s fists curled up into balls as he slammed his fingers onto the calculator, subtracting a million dollars from their overall budget. V was an idiot for thinking he could mess with Jimin. Mess with both of them.


Yoongi didn’t even have time to put his underwear on before the pink-haired man slammed him down onto the bed. Metal cuffs were quickly snapped around his wrists, binding him to the frame of their shared bed. He could smell Jimin’s cologne before he even saw him. The younger had situated himself in between the elder’s legs, lustfully kissing his hipbones, and then trailing all the way up to his neck. He softly sucked the skin, leaving bruises all of the trapped man’s neck and shoulders.

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