Chapter 2: Hydrangea

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Chapter 2: Hydrangea

"It's dangerous how attached, and addicted, you could become to someone." (Hp Lyrikz)

          V eyed the black-haired boy in front of him carefully. He knew all of the hookers in the area, and he wasn’t one of them. Not everyone could work in his territory, and he had given very specific rules to the local pimps. 

          “Who sent you?”

          Confusion flashed across the boy’s face. “W-what do you mean, sir?”

          V clicked his tongue. “I mean,” he growled, leaning forward and gripping the other’s chin. “Who do you work for? The bitches around here know my rules, and you’re breaking all of them.”

          The boy was beautiful. He couldn’t have been much older than twenty, most likely some college kid desperate for cash. Raven hair, wide eyes, and prominent muscles made him a pretty sight. His skin was smooth and unblemished, an uncommon sight compared to the other hookers in the area. By this time of night, most of them were covered in scratches and hickeys. V fought against the sudden urge to mark the boy up himself.

          “I-I don’t work for anyone, I swear! I just got here!” 

          V prided himself on his ability to read people. He had a feeling that the whore was lying, but the large, doe eyes that were hesitantly meeting his screamed innocence. He searched the other’s face, but all tension seemed to be purely from fear.

          “Is that so?” His grip loosened, sitting back onto his sofa. “Well, let me explain some things to you: the North End is my turf. Everyone here listens to me, and me alone. Understand?” He waited for the boy to nod before continuing. “Now, do you have a name, pretty boy?”

          “It’s Jungkook, sir.”

          “Any last name?” 

          The boy shook his head. V sighed, knowing that Namjoon would complain about the lack of information he got from Jungkook when his friend searched him later. “Doesn’t matter. Aish, what to do with you...”

          “A-are you going to kill me?” the voice was quiet, and V smirked. Despite his feisty entrance, the other male had been fairly docile once everyone else had left the room. Must have been putting on a show, he thought. I wonder how long I can keep him until he cracks. The corners of his lips curled, deciding to mess around with him for a bit.

          “Kill you? No, that would be too easy, don’t you think?” V said with a chuckle. 

          He didn’t have a chance to hear the boy’s answer when the door opened, and Namjoon strolled in.

          “Found him,” Namjoon stated. V tilted his head, momentarily confused before suddenly it clicked. “Bring him in.” 

          Namjoon motioned behind him until Hoseok entered, dragging one of the lower level assassins by the hair. His face was already beat up, worry and fear shining in his eyes. 

          He couldn’t remember his name, only that he had been assigned an important mission and fucked up. Hoseok threw him, and the man struggled to get onto his knees. V left his spot, gesturing for Hoseok to hold Jungkook back. 

          “Keep him here for now, I’m sure this will be a great way to show how things work in my gang.” He turned his attention to the assassin, his face stone cold. “Do you know why you’re here?”

          The man looked up, stuttering. “I f-fucked up, V s-sir.”

          “Really? Care to remind me how exactly you fucked up.”

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