Chapter 14: Begonia

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Literally just everyone making choices.

“... That’s the most beautiful thing in the world: when two people become fluent in choosing one another.” - Hannah Brencher

    Taehyung knelt next to the last body, wiping the still warm blood from it’s face. He sucked in a harsh breath when he realized who it was. He fought back the tears stinging behind his eyes, not wanting to seem weak in front of his friends.

     After he led the Kobra leaders and Jungkook out of the building, he did a sweep to calculate the damage that had been done. He had lost a total of fifteen men, all of them of various ranks.

     When he first rounded the corner with the enemies, he saw Namjoon fighting off who he recognized as Park and Suga’s bodyguard.

    The man had slipped a knife out of his sleeve and Taehyung saw red. Before he could interfere, Suga barked out a sharp “Jin!”, stopping the man before he had a chance to plunge the knife into the hacker’s neck.

    Jin cocked an eyebrow at Jungkook’s limp form over Suga’s shoulder, but said nothing. He rounded up the rest of Kobra’s men, and they left.

    “Bury the bodies out back.” Taehyung ordered, turning on his heel to head towards his office. The place was surprising clean, like they ignored it. He ran his hands through his scarlet hair, gripping the strands and tugging in frustration. His mind was still racing, trying to keep up with the events that just occurred.

    Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, if Suga was to be believed, had been a spy. A spy for Kobra, this entire time. Taehyung didn’t know what was fueling him now. Rage, sadness, betrayal, they all swirled inside of him, making him feel sick. These feelings were normal for a mafia leader, but as always, Jungkook did something to him. He made him feel so intensely that Taehyung didn’t know what to do.

    “I want him back.” He spoke aloud to the empty room, letting the words hang heavy in the air. “I want the bastard back.”


    Jungkook listened to Jimin tell the plan for what felt like the thousandth time. He was to infiltrate North End HQ, claiming to have escaped. Taehyung would take him in, either to kill him or protect him, and when the leader was least expecting it, he would pull the revolver from the holster on his thigh and shoot. He was given a camera that would provide a live feed to Jimin and Yoongi for safety precautions. And as soon as the job was done, all he had to do was press “stop recording” and Jimin and Yoongi would go in and take over.

    The thought of killing Taehyung made Jungkook sick, but he couldn’t let Jimin know that. He just had to play along, hoping that Taehyung wouldn’t kill him on the spot. This was his last chance. His last chance to set everything right.

    He was set to go tomorrow night, and the anxiety bubbling in his chest was almost suffocating. He had no idea how the leader would react to seeing him again, or if he ever wanted to see him again. Taehyung’s harsh words from that night swirled in his head along with all the gentle touches and whispered promises they shared.

  Taehyung couldn’t have possibly meant those words, but a large part of him was convinced that his feelings had been one sided since the beginning.


    “Tae, why the hell did they take Jungko- what the fuck is going on?!?” Namjoon had come in to Taehyung throwing various papers and books around his office. Hoseok was behind him, whistling lowly at the damage their boss had managed to do in the time that they left him alone.

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