Chapter 11: Malato d'Amore

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“So bright the flames burned in our hearts that we found each other in the dark.”


                                                                                                           Dallas Green


Jungkook got sick the next morning. His head pounded, and every movement and sound was like getting struck with lightning. He had two flannel comforters over him, with a hot towel and a hat pulled over his ears, but he was still shivering to the bone. The boy tried not to move, but when he did, his vision blurred before the headache attacked at him again. His fever was high, and Namjoon had said it was probably from standing in the cold last night. He didn’t want to say anything, but that was definitely not the case.

Jungkook never got sick.

Last night took a toll on him, and his stress and emotions had finally caught up to him. The choices he had to make and the consequences that followed made him sick to the gut, wanting more than ever to just fucking disappear .

He loved and he hated people. But how was it possible to hate and love somebody at the same time? How was it possible to change one’s whole life with the single pull of a trigger?

He coughed hard, doubling over as he scrambled to the drink his hot water before he hacked up blood again. The liquid seared his throat, but yet at the same time soothed it.  

The door opened, letting in a quiet creak. Jungkook could sense his presence before he even made his way to the bed; for nobody but the owner of the bedroom (and him) was allowed in here without permission.

“Are you feeling any better?” Taehyung asked, his eyebrows furrowed with concern as he helped the boy back into his covers.

He made a mental to note to change the sheets soon since Jungkook had completely soaked those ones with sweat.

Jungkook shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut in pain as another wave of pounding echoed in his head.

“I feel worse.”

“Here, baby, let me check your temperature again,” Taehyung said, reaching for

the younger’s forehead and removing the hot towel.

The scarlet-haired man placed his (surprisingly) warm hand on Jungkook’s left cheek, slowly bending down and connecting his forehead with the younger. He closed his eyes as their noses also touched, and Jungkook instinctively did the same.

Jungkook’s headache immediately ceased, and he wanted this to last forever. Taehyung’s forehead was so much colder, but he didn’t shiver from the touch. The leader did something to him. And it was magical.

Even with the heat of the black haired boy almost scorching Taehyung’s skin, Taehyung didn’t move away. In fact, he pulled himself closer to the boy, addicted to the sparks he felt every time they touched.

Jungkook wheezed, coughing right into the leader’s mouth.

The man quickly pulled back, ignoring the wetness on his skin, and made a dive for the hot water. With outstretched arms, their fingers brushed against each others as the sick Jungkook took a huge swig. The hot liquid seared his throat again.

“Kookie, that’s not how you’re supposed to drink hot water, you’ll burn yourself,” Taehyung said with a laugh, carefully setting the hot water down.

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