Chapter6: Orgullo

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“I don't know what it is but you do things to me, lovely, dark things. Even the gentle, unexpected graze of your hand in mine is annihilating.” - Beau Taplin

        Jungkook hid his face in V’s neck, hoping the elder didn’t notice the way he tensed when he saw Jimin and Yoongi. V’s grip on him tightened for a second, and he felt a large, warm hand place itself on his back. It rubbed in small circles, and Jungkook forced himself to relax under the touch.

       “Suga, Park. How wonderful for you to join me today. I hope my men didn’t give you any trouble.” He glanced at the two out of the corner of his eye. If he didn’t know Yoongi so well, he wouldn’t have been able to notice the slight crease between his eyes. ‘Worry lines’, as Jimin called them. His eyes drifted over to Jimin, whose own eyes were smug with satisfaction.

        "Isn’t that why we’re here? Because one of your men caused trouble ?” Jimin drawled, leaning back in his seat.

       "...Why don’t you take a seat.” V’s voice was thick with venom, and Jungkook knew that this meeting wouldn’t end peacefully.


       It was almost an hour into the meeting when V huffed in obvious frustration. The trio had been discussing the issue, Jimin throwing in some choice words just to piss the other off.

       "I think we should take a short break. We're getting nowhere, and I need a bit to… cool down. I’ll be back in say, 30 minutes?” V ushered Jungkook off his lap and stood up. The enemy leader grabbed Jungkook by the waist, leading him out of the room. The other two elites followed.

       "You just had to provoke him.” Yoongi groaned, pinching Jimin’s thigh. The younger yelped, slapping his hand away.

        "I’m sorry, but did you not see that?” Jimin fired back, slipping his phone out of his pocket. He didn’t trust the place to not be bugged, even if V had assured them that it wasn’t. Deciding that texting would be too risky with one of the lead hackers in Korea under V’s control, he typed a quick memo then passed the phone to his boyfriend.

Did you see the way he had Kookie on his lap? I knew he could do it, but I didn’t expect things to get that far.

        Yoongi read the message, sighing, quickly typing out, Of course I saw. We can’t do anything though. Can’t risk blowing his cover. He nearly blew it himself when he saw us.

        "What do you want to do about this?”

        “Obviously we need some sort of compensation if he wants to avoid a war,” Jimin hissed. Then he typed a few sentences that read,   I can’t stand that bastard touching him like that. Can't we get him out of here now?

        Yoongi shook his head, signaling Jimin to hand him the phone. No, it's too soon. V will ll get suspicious if Jungkookie disappears. Besides, he seems to be doing fine. We'll get him when he's finished the mission , he wrote.

        Jimin scoffs, turning towards Seokjin. “What do you think, Jinnie-hyung?”

       Seokjin raised his eyebrow. “Me? You two are the bosses, I’m just acting as a bodyguard.”

      “Can’t we just agree that we should go ‘eye for an eye’? Have him give us the bastard that took out Lee in the first place. This would have gone much more smoothly if you didn’t enjoy riling people up,” Yoongi retorted.



       As soon as the office door closed behind them, Taehyung brushed his lips against the shell of Jungkook’s ear. “So well behaved, my good boy.”

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