Chapter 8: Red Carnation

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Chapter 8: Red Carnation 

“Your gorgeous chaos was a danger to my beautiful ordinary life, and I knew that. Then suddenly, we became beautifully extraordinary together.” - R.M. Drake

        Sometimes, Jungkook would lie awake after they would go to bed. His mind would race, filled with the events of his stay. It had been almost two weeks since he first arrived. In that time, he had undeniably fallen for Taehyung.


      Jungkook was still getting used to the name. Of course, he still called him ‘sir’ or, recently, ‘daddy’ in public. If anyone found out the leader’s true name, it could spell trouble. Which is part of the reason why Jungkook had felt almost honored to know it. Jungkook knew how important names were in this business. Names held power, an incredible amount. No one outside of Jungkook and Seokjin knew Yoongi and Jimin’s true names. Taehyung had given him the power to completely destroy him, if he so chose.

        Jungkook was stuck at a horrible crossroad. He knew that this was his goal, to get the elder to trust him. But he didn’t expect to trust him as well, and he never expected to actually fall for him. Yoongi and Jimin were his best friends. They took him in, practically raised him, and yet he found himself so entranced by Taehyung that he didn’t know what to do.

        His thoughts must have been loud, as he suddenly felt arms encircle his waist. He was pulled against a warm chest, Taehyung’s breath hot against his neck.

       “What’s wrong baby boy?” Jungkook’s heart jumped as Taehyung’s spoke, his voice still rough with sleep, gravelly and deep. “Can’t sleep?”

       Jungkook shook his head. The arms disappeared, and he shifted so that he was facing the elder. “Taehyung?”

       “Why can’t you sleep baby?” Taehyung spoke softly, eyes scanning his face for any signs of distress.

       “Thinking too much.” he replied, leaning his head onto the broad chest. One of Taehyung’s hands came up to pet his hair, the action soothing and gentle. It was entirely opposite of how he handled him in bed.

       “Do you want some help with that?” There was a hint of a smirk on the elder’s lips. Jungkook felt his mind empty at the implication behind the man’s words, and he crawled on top of Taehyung.

        “Will you, Daddy?”


         Taehyung could feel his left eye twitch. He was in a meeting with a client, Jungkook off training with Hoseok. The suit-clad man in front of him was irritating, to say the least. He kept trying to negotiate a lower price for an assassination, and Taehyung was ready to kill the man himself instead.

         “As I’ve said before, I’m afraid that I cannot give you any other options. My crew and I are professionals, and I didn’t climb my way up to the top by giving discounts or favors. This isn’t Walmart, Mr. Kwon.”

         Taehyung drummed his fingers against the table. His patience was wearing thin, and if it weren’t for Namjoon by his side giving him a look that read, “you better not try shit, this man is important” ,   he most likely would have blown someone’s brains out.

        “Y-yes, sir, I understand. Y-you said… 5,000,000 won?”


        Taehyung nodded, and the man reached into his briefcase. He pulled out an envelop, sliding it across the table towards Taehyung. He handed it off to Namjoon, who counted the cash inside.

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