Chapter 5: Hanker Sore

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"you're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece" (Halsey)

Jungkook was kneeling in front of the mirror, lips swollen, and throat parched as he chugged another bottle of water that was placed beside him. V was always rough with him, and Jungkook denied himself the pleasure of thinking that he enjoyed the way the man was able to control him in such a manner.

The full-length mirror reflected the dim bedside lamp across the room, casting deep shadows that left an eerie vibe to the master bedroom. The lamp sometimes would buzz, causing the shadows to dance,  but it didn’t scare Jungkook. Nothing in the world scared him more than the owner of this master bedroom.

The bathroom was currently occupied by V, who was showering, the door unlocked and left slightly ajar, just like the exit. V always left his door like that, as if in mockery to see if Jungkook had the audacity to escape. He would never get that far if he tried, but it was a definitely a sick joke. Taehyung always seemed to be playing a game, a game which he was the King and Jungkook was simply left in the dark and wrapped around the sinister man’s fingers.

Jungkook stared back at his reflection, examining the bruises and cuts from the earlier session with J-Hope. That man would be smiling and radiating happiness at one moment and then in a split second, beat Jungkook to the ground with merciless kicks. It didn’t surprise him though. No one in the higher ranks of the North End was predictable, which was why they were able to climb to the top in no time. Even when the previous generation retired a few years ago, an even more dangerous and elite group replaced the higher ranks: V, J-Hope, and RM.

The sound of water stopped, signaling the finish to V’s shower, and Jungkook jumped at the sound of the leader’s footsteps. Whipping his head towards the bathroom door as it clicked open, Taehyung saw the younger’s eyes wide open, as if he was a deer caught in headlights. V was very much naked, save for the towel wrapped around his waist. The elder scratched his head, and Jungkook watched as small beads of water fly off the man’s locks, landing on his toned chest. The man seemed to exercise a lot, having a full six pack and a prominent V-line that led all the way down to his...

“It’s your turn to shower,” he stated, sending Jungkook back to reality. He smirked when he trailed his eyes to what Jungkook was looking at, making the younger blush furiously.

“Y-yeah.” Jungkook scrambled to get up, his knees immediately feeling the ache of the scene they just had not even thirty minutes ago. There would surely be bruises on his knees tomorrow.


Jungkook showered for a lot longer than he expected. He spent most of his time thinking rather than washing himself. He thought about all the events that have happened: the murder, the leader, the services, and Jungkook still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that he had only been here for two days.

He took his time washing his body. Even the soft washing sponges felt like rough sandpaper as he brushed them over his bruises and cuts. J-Hope and V never went easy on him, but it was the marks made by the leader that stood out of him. V had created hickeys around his neck, hips, wrists and inner thighs. It was the most sensitive and gave Jungkook the feeling of being owned. But no matter how much Jungkook wanted to hate the leader for treating him in such a demeaning way, his dark mind loved it. It pissed him off that V was so attractive. So dominant and controlling with his words that sent the boy to his knees.

Jungkook kept telling himself that he was only sexually attracted to the leader, that there were no feelings except for lust. He must admit, the leader was a good lay for the younger, and his mind almost convinced him until he got out of the shower, finding the man in bed already, reading a novel. His wet hair and red lips made him look like utter sin . He was calm though, no hard etched lines in his face or anger. Jungkook liked that he was able to wind down and show that side of him to the younger. It made a feeling of warmth fill his chest, something noticeably different from the usual heat of lust. He shook his head, willing the small traces of joy to leave him.

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