Epilogue: Love

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“I only ever thoug ht there were two kinds of loves: the kind you kill would kill for and the kind you would die for. but you, my darling, are the kind of love i would live for.” - o.g.k

The airport was quiet at this point in the night. The soft rolling of the suitcases on tile and the fast pace of walking shoes were the only sounds at this hour. Jungkook was bundled in expensive flannel and a goose-feathered coat -- courtesy of Taehyung. The ex-leader wore a calm face, with a small smile painted upon his lips. He couldn’t wait to fly to America and leave this terrible life as a gang leader behind. It was as if a huge wave of relief had washed over him, and he finally felt young again.

Finally felt free again.

The younger could barely keep his eyes open, and he collapsed at the sight of a chair when they arrived at their terminal. He was glad that Yoongi and Jimin hadn’t chased him down yet, or at least made an attempt to talk to him again.

Jungkook had a feeling they wouldn’t be a bother to Taehyung and him ever again.

He quickly dozed off into a soft slumber as Taehyung tucked away their passports (Jungkook’s was obviously forged by the notorious Namjoon), briefly checking his phone for any updates of state of North End. Namjoon seemed to be well-liked among the group; therefore, the change in power did not seem to affect anyone in a negative way. He smiled when Namjoon and J-Hope sent him a selfie of the two together, both of them smiling ear to ear.

“2:00 am flight to Los Angeles, terminal 6A, boarding in twenty minutes. Will VIP flyers please come up first to check in.” The woman’s voice boomed over the loudspeaker, jolting the dazed Jungkook awake.

Taehyung had to admit that the boy looked cute whenever and wherever. Even in his fat, winter coat and disheveled hair, Jungkook was gorgeous. He knew exactly what they were going to do the moment they landed in America;) Taehyung simply licked his lips as he took the younger’s hand, dragging them to the checkpoint, a smirk forming on his lips.


While Jungkook passed out again for the nth time on the airplane, Taehyung spent his time looking for a high-quality hotel for them to crash in for the next few days before they went to look for apartments. He already had a few five-star penthouse suites pulled up on his phone, but he wanted it to be perfect. He needed this to be romantic and lovely for the both of them. The scarlet-haired man would look at apartments with Jungkook later, wanting him to also have a say in the design and whereabouts of their future home.

The word home sent electricity down the man’s spine. He never really had a real place he could call home until Jungkook burst into his life. He was scared that the younger didn’t want to be with him, or that they were taking things way too quickly, but it seemed like Jungkook wanted this just as much as he did. Taehyung took another look at the different hotels before finally picking the room that had dark mahogany walls and crisp white sheets.

With his eyelids also getting heavy, he leaned against Jungkook, his face snuggled into the other’s shoulder, he drifted off to sleep hoping Jungkook loved what the elder had in plan for them later in the day.


After their flight, jet lag hit them like a bus. They ended up grabbing a quick lunch, checking into their hotels, and passing out on the bed. They cuddled the whole time, and even when they weren’t aware of it, their bodies and hands never left each other.

Jungkook was the first to wake up, his eyes fluttering open as he took in the new scenery of the dark mahogany walls. It was around five o’clock in the morning, and they had slept for a total of fifteen amazing hours.

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