Chapter 12: Trepidation

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“I used to think love was a rough, unforgiving thing. I used to think it was bad, and I was scared. Then I met you, and you completely changed that. I love love. I love loving you.” -Lovelysuggestions

    “Jungkook, wake up, baby. We need to leave.” Taehyung shook the younger’s shoulder, trying to wake the boy as gently and as quickly as he could.

     The gunshots hadn’t ceased. He heard footsteps approaching the door, and he instinctively pulled his gun from the bedside drawer. Standing, he kept his gun level, slowly walking around the bed so that he was in front of the closet.

     Jungkook was slowly blinking his eyes open, confusion evident in his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a fit of coughing. Taehyung was by his side in an instant, petting the boy’s hair until the fit passed.

     “Come on Kook, get up!” He whisper shouted, pulling the boy into a sitting position and shoving clothes into his hands. Jungkook slipped the fresh clothes on, leaving sweat soaked pajamas laying next to him on the bed, still dazed on what was happening.

     The loud echoes of gunshots caused his head to ring, and he struggled to walk properly without falling. His vision was all blurred, and he struggled to stay awake.

    “Tae?” Jungkook’s eyes went wide as he took in the gun pointed at the door. There was a knock, and Taehyung stiffened slightly, finger poised over the trigger. He made sure Jungkook was behind him, shielding the spy in a way that felt almost sickeningly familiar.

     Another knock, this one more frantic. Taehyung nearly fired when someone spoke.

    “Taehyung!” Namjoon’s voice called out. Upon hearing his friend’s voice, Taehyung sighed in relief, one hand reaching back and finding Jungkook’s as he sank back onto the bed.

    “In here, what’s going on?” Taehyung said.

     Namjoon opened the door, locking it behind him. He was bleeding, a large cut visible where his sleeve was torn away.

     Taehyung’s chest flared in anger. No one hurt his family, especially when Namjoon was the only family he had left. He knew he wouldn’t have time to ask; there were more important tasks to focus on.

    “Kobra.” Namjoon’s voice was grim, spitting out the word like it was poisonous. Jungkook froze next to him, the boy’s body going completely rigid before shaking in fear.

    Taehyung was torn. Stuck in a crossroad of his heart and mind. Should he comfort his boy, or should he carry out his duties as the leader? He gritted his teeth, fighting between the fear and anger battling for dominance in his head. Then, a voice broke into his thoughts.

“Take Jungkook and run,” Namjoon said.

    Taehyung’s head whipped to the side, gaping at Namjoon. He stood up, facing the hacker, his jaw set. His right hand had his head down, and something ugly worked it’s way into Taehyung’s throat.

    “There’s no fucking way I’m letting you go back out there alone.” Taehyung stalked forward, until he was face to face with Namjoon. “Joon-”

    “You need to get Jungkook out of here, Tae. Let me handle this. Or are you scared I’ll take the title of ‘leader’ away from you?” Namjoon stated with a smirk. Taehyung scowled that his friend still had the audacity to joke around.

     “I’d like to see you try.” Both knew how the words lacked confidence. The two seemed to communicate silently for a few beats, before Taehyung sighed. Swallowing the last of his pride as the he into a hug. “If you die I swear I’m going to fucking kill you.”

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