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"Awwe.. look at that. Little princess's going to cry. Boo-hoo," said one of the fellow third graders, from the other class, with a mocking grin.

His fellow third graders surrounded Jenny like she was a little prey entrapped by huge predators in a jungle. The little girl sat on the green grassy field, rubbing the tears away from her eyes using her knuckles.

She didn't want to cry. She felt like whenever she did, the predators would continue to prey on her. But she couldn't stop her tears. Her eyes had a mind of its own and just exploded all the tears out.

The larger kids laughed at her. "Get up lil' princess. You think you're better than us huh?" One of them, the slightly shorter one amongst the others, but with the same size, said.

She looked up at them, and felt weak. She remained drowning her little eyes in her tears, whining and sobbing.

With a frightened heart, she forced herself to get up. She shouldn't let them make her feel weak. She hated the feeling. But like her tears, she couldn't stop it.

She stood, facing the biggest kid of them all. He was wearing a Batman-printed shirt and a gray Batman-printed cap. She sniffed the liquid about to droop down from her nostrils and did a boxing pose... The same boxing pose she often sees on TV, especially on those Asian action films that her dad loved to watch.

Her dad. She felt her heart twitched as she remembered her dad. As well as her mom... Who both died in a car crash only a year ago. She was in that same car when it happened, beside her was her sister who was two years younger than her. For some reason, both of them survived.

Why? Why did she survive? Why did she have to be alive, only to become something to feed to these ugly-looking predators who does nothing but bully her every single day they can.

Why? Why do they bully her? Is it because she was better than them? Her grades? Her status in life?

She felt like laughing about her status in life. Her parents were dead. And theirs are probably very much alive.

So why? Why do they bully her? They know what she'd been through. So why?

All of a sudden, Jenny found herself pushed to the ground again with brute force. She landed her bottoms roughly that it hurt.

"Get up!" The same Batman fanboy ordered with gritted teeth.

Jenny only cried, and they laughed again.

"You uglies need to learn to pick someone with your own sizes,"

Jenny's child tears froze the moment the voice popped out from somewhere. Her mouth opened to a wide smile. She quickly stood back to her feet, and wiped her tears away with joy.

He finally arrived. Her real life superhero.

The predators shivered, except one... The Batman fanboy.

"Go away Noah. This isn't your business!"

Noah smirked and continued strutting towards them. He passed by them, only to stop once he got to Jenny.

He placed his palms gently on top of her. All the heaviness in her heart melted. All she could feel was security.

"Cover your ears okay? And don't look." He told her calmly. With a questioning look, she had no choice but to nod. He parted the top of her head gently, before turning his back away from her, and facing the large-sized child predators.

Before anything happened, Noah looked back behind his shoulders, checking if Jenny had done what he told her to do. Seeing she was still looking at him, she gestured his hands at her to turn around.

She obeyed, turned around, knelt on the grassy ground, and covered her ears. There was a piece of her that wanted to take a peek. But she shouldn't. She should let Noah do his thing. Whatever that is.

He was her friend. And she adored him very much, although at this time, she doesn't know she'll be adoring him more than just her hero yet.

Despite being a year older, they were in the same class. And ever since then, he had always comes to her rescue whenever the bullies decided to play with her again in a mean way. She don't even know what will happen if he's gone.

And she definitely have no idea what's going on now.

The next thing she knew, the bullies were scramming away with tears in their eyes that they were trying so hard to hide.

"Yeah that's right you better run!" Jenny yelled at them with her balled fists waving in mid air. Noah gazed at her with full admiration and amusement.

The truth was, he adored her as well. He adored her very much.

"Thanks Noah" she said, motioning to sit on the grass, hugging her knees. Noah sat beside her, his feet stretched straight on the grass.

"You should really learn to stand up to those guys," he sighed.

Jenny frowned, puffing her cheeks. She wanted to protest. She wanted to say that she tried, but she just can't. She's a small weakly excuse for a girl. Even in her innocent mind, she's aware of that fact. However, she chose to remain quiet. She hugged her knees tighter and raised her head up to gaze at the sky. She marvelled as the clouds appeared to be in various shapes and sizes. Her favorite was the fish-shaped one.

"I'm serious. Not everyday I'll be there to save you," he said. Jenny glanced at him with a puzzled look.

She shook her head and beamed. "Nonsense. You won't leave me," she chuckled confidently.

Noah gazed up at the clouds too, catching a glimpse of a cloud forming a shape of a rabbit. Yet it wasn't impressing him, like the sight usually does. He has something building up in his thoughts. His mind was trying to gather the proper words to say. Actually, he already did, he just couldn't say it. Rather, he doesn't want to say it.

And when he did, all he could say was, "I'm leaving Forks."



Oh my gooood. Third pov is very haaard :O

How was the prologue? For some reason I was imagining anime xD

Comment, vote.. feel free ^^


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