Chapter 35

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He bursted laughing.

"Hey babe," Noah's raspy voice unfroze both my shocked mind and stilled body. I glanced down at the chopping board he was currently holding. I mentally gagged at the sight of blood dripping down from the bottom of the chopping board.

My jaws were so stiff I couldn't find the strength to close it shut. Both my fingers and knees were shaking. My head was lightly spinning, and the fast pounding of my heart against my chest was making it worse. I caught Noah's eye twitched while his head did a subtle tilt.

"Wh-- wh..." I tried to say but only ended up as broken squeals.

Noah's eyebrows raised in amusement. "Oh this?" He sniffled. Then he sniggered, turning around to face Mr. Morris' body swimming over his own blood puddled on the floor.

"This is nothing," he smirked, placing the chopping board down on the floor next to Mr. Morris' squished head. In one motion, he swayed his foot towards Morris' waist and gave it a harsh kick. Noah swivelled around to face me once again, wiping off some blood staining somewhere near the corner of his lips using the sleeve of his shirt.

I flinched watching Noah stepping closer towards me. I wanted to run and escape but fear was stopping me. I'm afraid that if I do flee, he'll kill me too.

I was too perplexed, not to mention terrified, that I was caught off guard when he leaned in to crash his lips on mine. He moved his lips against mine but I kept my lips pressed shut in a thin line.

Finally, I was able to escape from the trance and my senses came back. I found myself being able to move so I began to squirm free, however it only forced him to trap me in between his arms.

His kiss became rough and forced. I tried pushing his chest but he only held onto even tighter. I could somehow taste the blood that was on his lips, making me feel more uncomfortable.

I kept my eyes open while he was kissing me. There was no electric sparks, there was no butterflies-in-the-stomach sensation, and there was no hint of affection. The only thing I was feeling was horror mixed with disgust. Especially when I caught sight of Coach Morris with a head squashed morbidly on the floor in front of us.

"What's wrong?" Noah finally pulled back and I found an opportunity to push him away from me.

"Get away from me!" I cried, hastily pivoting around then started running for the door. Unfortunately, Noah got to the door first, and alas I was trapped between his arms again.

I cried louder, writhing to break free until my knees felt weak. I crumpled to his chest, drawing both of us to the floor with his arms still wrapped around me.

"Sssh," he whispered near my ears. The way I could feel his breath on my ears electrified the chills all over my spine making the hair on the back of my neck and on my arms stand up. He  caressed my hair gently as he nuzzled his face against the side of my head.

My tears were flowing nonstop, and so was the eerie feeling. On a different situation, having Noah this close to me would send my heart jumping for joy. But right now, the sole reason why my heart would jump out of my chest would only be because of terror.

Darn it. I was this close to the door.


After minutes of intense crying, I somehow managed to calm down. However, I still couldn't free myself from the situation. I would steal glances at the door but Noah was on his guard in case I do try to get away. So I decided to stay put.

I couldn't look him straight in the eyes though.

I sat on the couch, my back straight, my palms clutched on my tensed knees. Noah reappeared from the kitchen and was dragging Coach Morris' body by the feet. Blood was trailing but he didn't seem to care about it. I did though.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now