Chapter 40

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So maybe I overreacted.

It was just a damn phone and I reacted unpleasantly. I even said words I knew I shouldn't have.

Noah was sensitive. Noah was emotional. The last thing he needs was to be told that he was hated. And I did that very thing. Now I'm mentally scolding myself for getting angry.

What if I triggered him and he goes psycho again? Ugh. My conscience couldn't take it.

After calming myself, I exited the bathroom only to see that Noah wasn't in the room anymore. Of course he'd walk out. The question is, where is he now?

I strutted down the staircase, meeting up with Aunt Clare. It's weird. The house felt dead. Even Aunt Clare, who's usually bubbly, looked dead and tired.

"Did Noah went out?" I said as I got to the last step of the stairs.

"Yes," Aunt Clare puffed. She glanced up to the wall clock and immediately her face was colored with concern. "It's late. He hasn't come home yet. He hasn't had dinner yet.  And he needs to take his meds..."

I gazed up at the clock and realized it was 8:35 P.M already. Aunt Clare was right. Noah needs to take his meds.

"Oh god!" She exclaimed, stealing my attention from the clock. "Angel's with him! What if one of his episodes activate? Angel won't be able to handle that herself," she palmed her head.

My eyes widened in curiosity. Did I hear her right?

Angel's out without Aunt Clare? Wow. That's something you don't see everyday.

Coincidentally, the door creaked open and Angel walked in. She appeared to be in a bad mood.

Aunt Clare heaved a sigh of relief. She ran to Angel with open arms but my sister shoved her aside.

"Angel!" I scorned at her disrespectful gesture but she paid no attention. Instead, she pushed me out of the way and stomped up the stairs.

"Angel you apologize to our Aunt!" I yelled, to which she stopped. She turned around, her hand grasping the end of the railing, and yelled back.

"Leave me alone!"

I gasped at the sudden gesture. Angel never shout back at her like that. And she never disrespects our Aunt.

It was like my sweet innocent sister was hidden somewhere and was replaced with an impostor.

"What is wrong with this family?!!" Aunt Clare wailed, throwing her hands up then letting it fall down disdainfully. She paced back to the kitchen, mumbling words I couldn't quite comprehend.

I followed Aunt Clare into the kitchen to ask for permission to look for Noah. I'm sure he hasn't gotten far. He's probably at the children's playground where we always chill out when we were kids. It's basically the only place I could think of that he might wander off to. Although I'm not entirely sure. It's just a hunch. A hunch I'm hopeful is right.

"Aunt Clare?" I said, knocking on the wall adjacent to the kitchen archway. She stopped picking up the plates and turned her head to me. She tried pulling a smile but I could tell it was forced. I pretended not to notice.

"I'm going to go look for Noah. Would that be okay? I kinda got mad at him and I think he's upset," I explained.

She took a deep breathe. "No wonder he wanted to go out so bad," I noticed her swallow down her throat before nodding her head. "Okay. Be careful. Bring some pepper spray with you."

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now