Chapter 26

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"Where is it?!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed gravelly sending chills throughout my spine.

He started punching his temple whilst wailing the same exact words on and on again. He continued kicking the bed, slamming his hand on the bed, picking up then throwing the pillows and duvet. He'd kick the desk beside my bed, pushing the drawers open in such a rush.

"Noah calm d--" I flinched when Noah began to pick up my light lamp and hurled it to the floor, cracking it into parts.

"WHERE THE FUCKING FUCK IS IT!!" He yelled again, his nostrils flaring in serious anger. He was so angry he was basically red with invisible smokes gushing out from his nose and ears.

"Where is what?!" I shouted, to noone in particular, but hoping one of them-- Clare, Emily, or Angel, would enlighten me.

However, they seemed to be even more baffled than I was.

Mrs. Emily took a step forward whilst Noah went ahead in kicking the bathroom door like breaking it was his main goal.

"Noah stop this! Calm down or I'll call Dr. Osborne!" Mrs. Emily threatened, her eyebrows fixed in a frown, her voice dead serious and authoritative.

It didn't seem to help the situation. In fact, I think it just made it worst.

"Fuck you!" Noah glared. His eyes had the terrifying darkness colored in it again... Not the Noah who just sang Bohemian Rhapsody the other day. It was the Noah who killed my dog.

Is he shifting persona again? Why? How?

"You watch your mouth! I am your mother!" His mom croaked, noticeably forcing herself not to cry. Noah responded with a smugging look on his face while he swipes his vision to each of us.

She glanced at us with apologizing eyes before gazing back to Noah.

Angel hooked her hand through my arm and pressed herself against me. I could feel her weight shaking so I placed my hand to hers in order to relax her.

It didn't seem to work. She was still quivering.

Mrs. Emily started to go nearer to a raging Noah. I had an urge to stop her but ended up frozen and just stood still with Angel snuggled to my arm.

Before Mrs. Emily could reach her hand to Noah, he pushed his mom forcibly. His mom gasped and was thrown down on the floor closer to the bed.

I wanted to go near him this time. I wriggled my arm to let go of Angel's hand. Inch by inch I walk closer to him. My heart was rapidly beating but I obliged myself to ignore it.

Before I could fully get an inch apart from him, he pushed me too and darted passed me. Aunt Clare, terrified and worried, shifted to the side, allowing him to walk out through the door.

Quickly we followed him. I've managed to grasp the back of his shirt as he stomped down the stairs but he slapped my hand causing me to let go.

He went to the kitchen and then...

"Noah don't!" I yelled, tears brimming my eyes.

He was now holding a knife he grabbed from one of the shelves of the kitchen cabinet.

My eyes widened as he hauled the knife up to the bottom of his jaw, anxiety filling me up as he pressed the blade against his neck.



There was always something satisfying in feeling a burning pain on your skin... The adrenaline rush that starts when the stinging pain transforms into some sort of electricity traveling throughout the entire veins of your body... The sensation you feel when you watch the red blood trickling down your arm once the slitted scars open up... Then you feel the stinging pain again once a slight breeze touches the blood-dripping scars.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now