Chapter 25

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Harris drove us straight home after stealing Noah from Mr. Morris.

Even though Harris never said anything, I could tell he was bummed that our plans to go to the arcade got cancelled because of my concern for Noah. U


For some reason, I could sense he was bummed out about something too. I just couldn't analyze why. Is it because we took him out of Mr. Morris' company?

But why would he be mad about that? As far as I can remember, I saved him from a possible atrocious situation. Although I don't have any proof to confirm that claim, I felt something in my gut. And you know what they say about women's gut. It's 97.56% right.

"Hey sweetie," Aunt Clare greeted me as I strode up the steps of the stairs. She caught a glimpse of me from the doorway leading to the kitchen. Mrs. Emily was by the sink, I noted, washing some glass.

I smiled at her nonchalantly, then continued making my way up the stairs and into my room.

With a heavy breathe, I plopped my back to the bed, my eyes glued to the ceiling. My lips were so dry so I licked it to moisten it a bit.

I rolled over to my side, my knees folded, my head resting on the back of my palms. I was facing the direction of the bathroom that's why I haven't noticed Noah entering the room. Then I remembered I hadn't fully closed the door so maybe that's why I haven't heard the door make any sound.

I can't take this anymore.

I know Coach Morris is doing some anomalies to my friend. And I can't just lie down and do nothing about it.

For so many times, Noah has saved me from bullies when I was eight and weak. Now that I know he's stuck in a difficult, unwanted situation, I knew it was my turn to save him.

Swiftly, I pushed my body up, leaving me sitting on the edge of the bed. Noah paced silently to the bathroom.

I cleared my throat, halting him from taking one more step. He tilted his head to my direction, not fully but enough for him to make eye contact with me.

"So," I started, waiting for my brain to finish processing proper words to say. " and Coach Morris huh?"

I mentally slapped myself at the realization of what I said. Like.what.the.heck.

Not to boast but I knew my brain could have than better than that.

It due fully caught his attention though, which is a good thing... I think.

"Huh?" His eyes widened with confusion. This time he fully spun around, allowing me to see his front body in full view.

"I mean.. I d-don't m-mean it l-like... Like t-that,"

Great. Now I'm stuttering.

What is wrong with you brain? Are you there? I need you. Now's not the time to go on vacation.

I bit my lower lip while scratching my nose lightly. "I'm just curious... Why you've been hanging around with Coach Morris lately," I muttered successfully but in a low voice.

"Oh..." he gulped and ran his fingers along his hair. It was like he was still on the verge of thinking what to say next, based on his sudden silence.

But I didn't wait for him to say something next. "If there's something you want to tell me Noah... I'm all ears," I've managed to pull off a genuine smile and he responded with the same thing.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now