Chapter 28

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"You're the only one I need. You're the only one I can trust. I... I need you so bad..."

A snap in front of my eyes cut me off from my out-of-the-blue reminiscing. I blinked and glanced at Harris with a ' what? ' look.

"Glad you're back to Earth weirdo," he  chuckled while taking a sip on his soda drink in a red plastic cup.

We were at a burger joint somewhere downtown. We head immediately here as soon as last period was over. It was Harris' treat.

Where was Noah? He's back at home. Mrs. Emily thought it'd be best to let Noah stay at home today and relax. Tomorrow is the day that his psychiatrist would come over and she theorized that a rest would be necessary before the session.

I bit my lower lip unconsciously as worry visited my thoughts. I just couldn't get the image of Noah stabbing himself off my mind. It keeps playing on repeat every chance it gets.

Not only that, but Noah's voice as he said all the words he said yesterday had also been recorded down my memory lane. It's echoing in my head like a song in a stereo.

"Everyone thinks I'm fucked up. Everyone thinks I'm a mess..."

"I don't think you're fucked up..."

"Jenny!!" Harris tapped the the surface of the table, not loudly but enough to get my attention since I was beginning to space out again.

"What?" I scowled.

He gawked at me for five straight seconds, examining my facial expression.

"Something's bothering you, is there?" He queried, his eyes remained glued to me.

I gulped and puffed my cheek in reluctance. "I.. I don't know what y-you're talking about," I stammered, fake-chuckling.

"Jen. I'm your best friend. You think I wouldn't know that something's bothering you?" He stated, provoking me to confess. But I tried keeping my composure as best as I could.

To be honest, it's kind of compunctious not telling him anything, but I just don't want to get him involve in the drama of my life.

I managed to pull off a slightly-genuine smile, picking up a piece of French fry and tossing it inside my mouth.

"Harris, I assure you everything is fine." No Harris. Don't believe me. Everything is not fine.

He studied my facial expression. As he noticeably did so, I forced myself to maintain my smile. He eventually sighed in defeat and looked away shaking his head.

I let out the breath I've kept held in my lungs the moment he turned away.

Before we could fall into a trance of silence, Harris widened his grin. "I know!" He snapped his fingers.

"Since it got cancelled the last time, let's head to the arcade!" He cheered.

"Wha... Now?"

"Yeah," he slurped the remaining of his juice before standing up. "C'mon."

I guess it might help me relax for a bit.... Even if it's just for a while.


We enthusiastically entered the gaming arcade. Every geeks and nerds' secret sanctum. A paradise for people who wants to get away from the horror of the outside world. A place to let free of the child inside us that fell asleep after reaching puberty.

He bought all the tokens we were going to use.

Harris dragged me to the claw machine. My eyes were aimed on the ironman plushie doll while I concentrate on maneuvering the claw. A complete and utter failure.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now