Chapter 29

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I stared blankly at the ceiling while I sulk my back on the couch's headboard.

"How've you been Noah?" Dr. Osborne, sitting on a chair in front of me, asked casually.

I smirked sarcastically while bobbing my head down slightly just enough to make eye contact with him.

"You tell me Doc," I said peevishly. His face remained stoic while he pierced his usual intimidating eyes to mine.

He wrote something on his clipboard before going back to asking me more dumb questions.

"Your mom told me what happened," he mentioned and I cringed. My hand unconsciously touched the part where the stabbed wound was underneath my shirt. It wasn't that fully healed yet so I could still feel a slight throbbing pain from it.

I cringed remembering at what I did. But mostly because of knowing that Jenny saw me do it.

She shouldn't have seen me like that. She shouldn't have seen me stab myself with a knife. What the fuck was I thinking?

"What were you thinking when you did it Noah?" Dr. Osborne's voice distracted me from my own thoughts.

I shrugged, smirking sarcastically while I shook my head. "I..." I decided to close my mouth and not let the words escaped.

So I ended up with another shrug.

Dr. Osborne adjusted his glasses, then crossed a leg over the other, leaning his back to the chair.

"You need to say something Noah," he stated.

"Is there something to say?" I scorned.

"I can't help you if you keep this attitude up," he told me.

I rolled my eyes and smirked peevishly.

"I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I am a friend. Not just a psychiatrist," he said calmly. And it irritated me. "All you have to do is open up."

I squeezed one arm of the couch, while sitting myself up straight. "Who said I needed you?" The words just flowed out my mouth freestyle.

Dr. Osborne nodded his head and jotted down on his clipboard again.

"Was he telling you some things again?" He queried, shifting on his chair, bending his body forward, having his elbows resting on his lap and the back of his palm underneath his chin.

I gazed at him with a puzzled look. He?

Making sense to what he was referring to, I winced. I wanted to shake my head to deny but my body was so tensed I couldn't move a muscle.

"Has he made you do things again?" His eyes were stabbing my whole senses. I had to either close my eyes or look away... I did both.

My head began to spun. I massaged my temples in a frustrated manner, clenching my jaw and gritting my teeth.

"Was he trying to take control again?" He continued.

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

"Shut up!!!" I hadn't realized I had said the last one out loud, flinching Dr. Osborne from his seat.

"Tell me what triggered these emotions back," he uttered, pressing his back to the chair.

Noticing I wasn't saying anything, Dr. Osborne leaned forward again, his hand stretching to grasp mine. He looked at me straight in the eye.

"Tell me Noah. You can trust me," my eyes flickered on his eyes, and our stares locked.

I suddenly imagined Jenny was the one in front of me and not this hippie bearded psychiatrist.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now