Chapter 24

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Harris parked his car about two buildings away from where Mr. Morris parked his car.

My eyes followed their figures as the two-- Mr. Morris and Noah, padded towards a gray building, which I assume is Coach Morris' apartment.

"Gaah," I scowled. "I need to know what's going on in there," I uttered in frustration.

Harris rolled his eyes. I ignored him and motioned to open the door on my side of the car. But Harris grasped my the bottom of my shirt, stopping me from opening the door.

"Woah. Where do you think you're going?" He questioned.

"I need to know what's happening inside," I retorted.

Harris furrowed his eyebrows as he squeezed his hand on my shirt. "Seriously?" He wailed in disapproval.

"Yes," I answered bluntly, shoving Harris hand off of my shirt.

Harris thumped his hands on the steering wheel. "They're probably just talking."

"Right. Talking," I said sarcastically. Then, went back to opening the door.

I got out of the car and marched towards the building where I saw Noah went in with Coach Morris. I didn't notice Harris caught up to me.

He held my arm, stopping me from walking any further.

"C'mon Jenny. This is ridiculous. You could get in trouble," he whisper-scowled.

"I'll just--"

"Just what?" He cut me off, leaving me stunned for I have no idea what exactly would I be doing.

Harris ran his fingers along his brown quiff hair while his free hand rested on his hip. He had a look of protest written all over his face, but it wasn't enough to stop me from taking another step forward.

Defeated, Harris trailed behind me, unwillingly, until I got to the front doorsteps.

I travelled my balled fist towards the door, pausing for a moment to ponder whether I'll proceed to doing something that I'll surely regret.

Harris' hand clutched the bottom of my shirt on the back. I turned my head around to him, biting my lower lip once I made contact with his objecting eyes.

Hesitant, I decided to just get on with what I'm about to do, totally ignoring the look of disfavor he was giving me.

To my surprise, the door swung open before I even got to knocking. My eyes circled like saucers after taking in Coach Morris' appearance standing in front of me  by the doorway.

He had the same shocked facial expression. It immediately transformed into a look of daunt, then a scowl took over.

"What are you two doing here?" Coach Morris clenched his jaws, yet his forehead was beginning to sweat.

I turned my head to Harris. He shrugged with worried eyes.

"We're here for Noah..." I gulped, slowly facing back to Coach. "...we need to get home. His mom called me."

It seemed like Mr. Morris ignored my statement. "Did you literally just follow me here?!" His voice was growing louder.

I couldn't think of anything to respond as an alibi. Harris stepped forward so that he's already standing right next to me.

"I'm sorry Coach but we need to take Noah home," Harris declared.

Mr. Morris jerked his eyebrows, unconvinced with our claim. "Noah's mom called you but not him?"

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