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The sun had already set hours ago and I could see how the outside is now pitch black.. except for the street lamps of course. Only a few more minutes left before I start doing what needs to be done.

I placed some tools inside my backpack-- one plastic bag, one rope, and a knife. I'd bring a gun but heck, I have no idea how to use one. Plus, I don't think I'd even have the capacity to buy one. I heard you need a license to get one or else. So yeah. A knife. The classic weapon for... for gutting someone open ha-ha-ha.

I winced a bit upon feeling a pang of headache inside my head..  like something wants to burst out from my skull. After hitting my temple with my palms, the headache finally eased a little.

Before heading out the door, I put on my black hoodie-- pulling the hood over my head, then hooked my arms through the slings of my bag.

Confirming I'm all set, I decided it was time to go. I got out of the house and locked the door. Before leaving the front porch, I took the liberty of glancing at the Sommer's house. The only light beaming now was the one coming from Angel's room. I gazed around and realized Clare's car wasn't around so I figured she must have gone off to work covering a night shift again. Registering this in my mind, my lips formed into a smirk.

An idea just suddenly popped in my mind.

I sneakily walked through the Sommer's lawn and stopped just below Angel's room. Bending down, I picked up a pebble the size of a coin and threw it directly at her window. Since it failed to get her attention, I did the same action again. After the third attempt, I finally see her figure through the window pane.

As she slid her window open, I tried to take a glimpse at the window to Jenny's room.

"Who's there!?" Angel's head peeked out the window and when she looked down to see me, her jaw dropped. I decided to ignore the need to see Jenny for awhile. As surprising as it is for me, it was Angel I'm after right now.

Tilting my head up, I gave a slight wave with one hand while I slid the other one inside my hoodie's pocket.

She mouthed a 'wait right there', and before I knew it, her appearance was no longer by the window. Seconds later, their front door opened and out came Angel.

I paced towards the front of the house, stopping on the front porch where Angel was.

"What are you d-- what's with the bag?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I snuffle. "Is Jenny in her room?"

Her lips pursed into a thin line. "Yes. She took some of my sleeping pills. She wouldn't stop crying and she had a panic attack," she paused to smirk. "She's just like me now. Well not entirely. I haven't had any more panic attack since you--"

I glanced at her and all of a sudden she cut herself off from her words. I was curious on what she had to say.

"Since I what?" I asked in a whisper.

"Nothing. Nevermind," she said plainly while shaking her head. "Anyways, you haven't answered my question yet. What's with the bag and what are you doing here this time of the night?"

I grinned. "Do you wanna have fun tonight?"

I noticed her chest rose up then fell down. "What do you mean?"

"Yes or no?!" I asked impatiently. She flinched which made me smug a smirk.

"Yes! I'd do anything with you Noah," she said which caught me off guard. But I pretended I didn't hear what she had just said because it somehow made me feel uncomfortable... not to mention annoyed.

"Cool. Cause I need your bicycle," I abruptly said.

Yeah I'd use a car like they always do on TV. But I'm not the cliche psycho who knows how to drive a car. Not all psycho knows how to drive a car FYI.

I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I don't have tattoos. I don't wear earrings because I find it to be gayish. I don't own a gun because I'm fucking 18. And I don't drive a fucking car. I took a driver's test and passed but I just hadn't had the time to buy one. And my mom's car? Yeah well if I use it tonight, someone might see and poof they'll instantly know it's me.

Hey. Did I actually just acknowledged myself as a psycho?

"Is that all you need me for?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied nonchalantly.

After a second of silence, she eventually agreed. Although I think it was just forced. But who cares.

She dragged her bike towards the front lawn. I told her to stay quiet or her sister will wake up.

She bursted laughing. I shushed her with my eyebrows frowning.

"She's not going to wake up. Like I said, she took a sleeping pill. She's sleeping like a dead girl in a coma," she said and I unknowingly grabbed her arm to squeeze it real tight. She hissed and winced.

"You'll be a dead girl if you won't shut up," I grunted while squeezing her arm like I was aiming to crush her bones. She shoved her arm free with a whispery wail. Blinking to calm down, I told her I was sorry. Of course, she was dumb enough to forgive me.

I decided to just not say anything. I got on the bike and she hopped on behind me, having her hands gripping on my shoulder. I handed her my bag which she gladly accepted.

"What's in this bag?" She asked. My eye twitched-- annoyed with all the questions. I heaved an exhale to calm myself down and answered with a vague respond.

"Something we'll need for our fun," I sternly said.

Sorry for the short chapter guys. I'll do better next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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