Chapter 58

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This is unfair! Really unfair!

Harris is up there with Jenny in her room tonight to accompany her and make sure she's alright while I had to go back home. I couldn't force myself to stay for the night that easily since it was way obvious how uncomfortable I make Clare feel. What's the big deal anyways? I haven't even done anything to her... yet.

I was like "I need to get back and check on my mom..." kind of bullshit.

I did return home though... frustrated and mad. Right after I locked the front door, I went straight up to the room where my mother was.

I knocked on the door and paused for a good five seconds. Remembering that there's not going to be any response, I took the liberty of pushing the door open.

"Mom?" I queried as I peek my head through the doorway.

Yup. She's still dead. I sighed to myself. The Mixed decaying smell of her and Osborne's rotting corpses still destroys the shit off my nostrils but I've gotten used to it enough to tolerate it. Plus wearing a mask helped a bit.

I sat on the edge of the bed where I laid her. Her natural milky white skin had become grayish purplish. Her natural beautiful face now looked like a beaten up eggplant. No matter how much I enjoy keeping her dead body's company, I know quite well she can't stay here longer. Disposing Osborne's body would be easy, but my mom? I must gather all my gut together to do it... Just thinking about is making me cry.

"Mom," I sniffled while I place my hand on top of hers. It was really cold and odd. Then I heaved a sigh.

"I need your advice," I continued. My eyes stared blankly at her, but in reality I only had Jenny in mind. "I.. I don't know what to do," this time tears started rolling down my cheek.

"I know he's her friend," I added with frustrated frowning eyebrows and a gradually clogging nose. "...but as long as he's around, he's just going to get in the way..."

"That's exactly what's going to happen... He's going to steal her from you in no time. Remember, he's in her room with her..  Just the two of them... Alone.. together... You know what happens if a boy and a girl is alone together in room late at night right?"

I frowned while clutching a fistful of my hair due to frustration. My eyes won't stop storming tears, my jaws are starting to hurt because of the constant gnashing of my teeth, my head feels like it's going to explode.

I should be there with Jenny! Not Harris!

The voices are at it again... Echoing in my mind. Laughing and saying things I dare not say. It laughed and laughed..  louder and louder.

It's me that Jenny needs! Nobody else! Only me!!

"Mom!" I wailed with tears. "Please talk to me! Make it shut up! Please!" This time I stood up to start stomping back and forth with one hand clasping over my ear while the other hand constantly hit my temple.

"I wonder what those two are doing right now? Oooh probably fucking.."

"Shut up!" I grunted. "Get out of my head!"

"Can you hear it? Her moans... His too... Their bodies slapping onto each other... Their tongues dancing together..."

All of a sudden, mental images flashed in my mind. My brain was visualizing everything it was saying. And it was crushing my chest.

All I have to do is find out who that son of a bitch was. Then Jenny would thank me. Clare would be grateful. Then Jenny and I would have a happy ending with noone against us!

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now