Chapter 23

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Just as I thought, Yara does not forgive nor does she forget.

Thus, here I was, ganged up by Yara and her circle of posses inside the female bathroom.

Noah and Harris were still inside the gym hall when I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I made sure non of them would follow, thinking that maybe if I leave them alone together, they'd finally settle their differences and become good friends.

I never thought Yara and her friends were the ones who followed me. I was anticipating she'd get me for pushing her and rejecting her favor. I just never expected she'd get me right away.

Pretending to be brave and confident, I smug. "Really Yara? The bathroom? How cliche."

The moment I had said it, I wanted to take it back badly. But it was too late. My words had sink in through her ears. And she wasn't pleased.

Two of her friends, Trish and Amber, gripped my arms. They're part of the female soccer team so they really have strong firm grip. Something an unathletic girl like me couldn't fight against no matter how hard I try.

"Let's try again shall we--" Yara hissed, brushing her hair to the back using her fingers.  "You help us get close to Noah and maybe we'll leave you alone."

I smirked, acting unintimidated. "Like hell I'd let him be with any of you."

Wow. Good job me. You just enrolled yourself to a deeper hell than you've already been in. Congratulations.

I shrunk regretting what I said. Yara stepped back, her scowl not vanishing from her face.

"I've always hated you," she scorned, folding her arms against her chest. She leaned the small of her back against the edge of the sink. "You think you're better than us just because you're smart," she paused to snigger. "That's what Grace always used to say."

My eyes widened. My face plastered an expression of distaste. Hearing Grace's name, may she rest in piece even though she was one of the person mean to me, included in a conversation makes me feel uncomfortable.

It's like we're not paying respect to her death. Even if she doesn't deserve one when she was alive, but still, I'm not that bitter.

"--she's right anyways. I was willing to forgive you for pushing me you know... I mean I'm not that mean to losers like you..." Yara strutted forwards. "...but then you insulted me by laughing at my..." She paused again.

"...her D minus," Trish continued for her after Yara fell silent for more than three seconds.

"Shut up!" Yara stomped, her face red in anger or embarrassment. I'm not entirely sure which one.

"I-- I wasn't laughing at t-that," I stammered as I make a lie. "I s-swear,"  I blinked to stop my tears from falling. My eyes were starting to brim with it.

Yara rolled her eyes and ignored what I said. She slapped me instead.

My face stung. Her hand was like fire burning my cheek. This time I couldn't held back my tears anymore. I let them flow freely from my eyes.

Yara turned around, talking more things but I couldn't pay attention. My chest was tightening causing my breathing to get difficult.

This was the first time I've ever had physical beating from someone. Words were painful enough, but I never thought actual physical hit would hurt like this.

"Yara?" Amber questioned, her voice marked with worry, probably more for her part than mine. Her grip though, slightly loosen.

It would have been a perfect opportunity to flee, but my knees were numb. Instead of escaping, I fell down to my knees, having Trish's grip on my other arm for support.

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