Chapter 56

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I see a police car parked in front of Jenny's house.

"Shit! Why are they there?? Have they found out about what you did?!"

"What I did?!" I scowled while looking out my bedroom window, not immediately realizing that I said it out loud and that I was arguing with the voice in my head again... the voice that sounds just like mine but I know quite for sure that it doesn't really belong to me nor my outer consciousness. My inner consciousness perhaps? Yeah perhaps. I can't really distinguish. One thing's certain though, I call the voice it and it makes me do things I have no control of.

Speaking of doing things I have no control of, I backed off from the window and proceeded towards the door. As soon as I got out of my room, the dreadful smell bombarded my nose. It smelt so bad I involuntarily scrunched my nose before drawing my fingers upward to pinch my nostrils closed.

I went to my mom's room... where the smell obviously came from...

The closer I was to her room, the worse the smell got. I stopped right in front of her door, holding my breathe to make sure no odor gets suck through my nose or through my mouth. After one straining gulp, I opened the door. The smell got even worse and worse from the inside of the room.

It looks like someone died in here.

Oh wait...

There was.. "Two of them hahaha."

I gestured to vomit but good thing I managed to hold it in. I shot the bed a glance, and instantly my chest tightened as my heart sank heavily.

On the bed, there was Osborne naked... and dead. Beside him...

"Mom," I wheezed as I began to whimper and streams of tears followed next. I walked closer to the bed and sat on the edge, the spot nearer to my mother. This time, my nose had been clogged because of the crying that the smell didn't bother me that much anymore. I wrapped my arms around my dead mother's waist then gently rested my head on her chest.

As I was closing my eyes, there was a sudden knock on the door from downstairs. Irritated, I forced myself to get up. I sauntered down the stairs until I got to the door. When I opened the door, my eyes widened as I saw Angel standing on the front doorsteps.

"Angel?" I muttered. Her face was stern even though her eyes were staring directly through mine.

"Could you-- what's that smell?" Her nose scrunched up as the smell of decaying corpses probably sunk unto her. She aimed to take a peek over my shoulder so I stirred a bit as if I was trying to block the view. I gulped then licked my lips, leaving my lower lip in between my front teeth.

"Dead cat," I lied.

"You're killing innocent little animals again?" She asked raising her eyebrows at me.

"What do you want?" My voice unintentionally raised because of the sudden anxiety building up inside me. I caught her flinch but decided to ignore it.

Before she could respond, I saw two cops walking along the pathway from the Sommer's house's front lawn. Clare was escorting them back to the police car. Angel noticed I was staring at the cops so she tried to snatch my attention back by scoffing.

"What's with the cops?" I questioned her. Her eyebrows were frowning while she squeezed her nostrils closed with her fingers.

"Can we talk over there? Your house smells really bad," she uttered in a begful voice.

Shit. Is the smell really that obvious?

"I have a very keen sense of smell and that dead cat is messing up my nose real bad," she added. Of course, I did not hesitate to agree. I stepped out through the doorway and hastily closed it shut.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now