Chapter 15

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"You may know me, but you will never recognize who I am from that mask" said The Black Mask.

"Your remaining friends are Grace and Camilla, you might tell your fairwell to one of them, but you won't have much time to tell the other" he continued removing Camilla's hair from her shoulders.

He opened his mouth and got it near Camilla's neck.

"Stop!" I yelled trying to stop him but two guards came and captured me and Grace.

He got his mouth very close to her but suddenly let go of her and started laughing.

"Poor Ethan, I know that you love her so much and can't bare seeing her die in front of you, but enemies have no mercy" muttered The Black Mask.

"You missed a very good offer from Cain, and when you refuse, you are done" he said with a low quiet voice.

"You are like your father, stubborn and brave but you will lose at the end, like Brennon" continued The Black Mask looking straight in my eyes.

"You dared not say his name" I muttered struggling trying to free myself to hit him.

He started laughing and took a knife close to Camilla's neck. Grace suddenly got out her knife and digged it in the guard's flesh and went straight to The Black Mask and with quick steps she threw the knife to reach his leg. He gave a yell and tried getting the knife out of his flesh. She captured The Black Mask from his hair. He started laughing making fun of her and she kicked him in his stomach with her knee. I kicked the guard who was holding me, headed to Cain, took out my sword and caught him from his hair.

"Any last words?" I said as I digged my sword in his heart.

Finally, he died. I started breathing with joy after killing who killed my parents. I watched him for a second and turned to The Black Mask.

"Now it's your turn" I muttered as I got a sword ready to rip his head.

But before I could kill him, Grace grabbed me backwards when massive amounts of guards entered the room.

"Go, go" she yelled as we ran away holding Camilla who was tired and couldn't even walk.

The Black Mask looked at us with a smile as he ordered the guards to follow us. We jumped from the window and ran back to our castle. Arrows where being thrown at us to stop us but we luckily survived.

"Why did you do that?! I had to kill him, even if I was going to die, you shouldn't have done this!"

"I can't stop myself from protecting you"

"Grace, I must kill who killed my parents, I don't care about myself, I only care about revenge"

"I have promised myself not to leave any of my enemies alive even if it affects me I have to kill them" I continued.

I stopped talking when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and looked at the guard who was knocking.

"What do you want?!" I mumbled.

"I saw Robert in a secret place, he was holding a Black Mask in his hand, is he the Black Mask?"

'You may know me, but you won't recognize who I am from that mask'

I remembered as I heard the guard's words, that bastard how could he deceive me and Jasper.

"Where is this place?" I muttered.


Next update is on Monday.

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