Chapter 7 - Uh-Oh

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Theron walked out of the throne room. He wasn't actually tired. The guilt of his friends' deaths was just too overwhelming. Theron opened his bedroom door, revealing a room that looked not so different than his one on his old ship. 

I'll need to go collect my stuff from there. Theron thought.

The walls were black, and the ceiling had a live image of planets that would change every couple minutes. There was a large bed in the corner of the room, with a white mattress and black sheets. In the middle, there was a Holographic Transmitter 3X Plus. Basically, it was a better version of the one on his ship. There was a door that led to a bathroom to the immediate right. Further down, there was a door that looked like it led to a large, walk-in closet. To the left, there was a personal training room.

Dam. Theron thought, My room is decked out.

Theron then tried to focus on a new skill he learned, Water-Transport. W-TP allows him to move an item or items from one place to another, kind of like Water-Travel (W-TL), but with inanimate objects. 

Theron focused on what he wanted to move, a bag that was located on his old room's bed. He concentrated on turning it to mist and bringing it to him. After a few moments, a sea-breeze swept through the room, signaling a successful W-TP. 

True enough, on his new bed, Theron found the bag which consisted of his drachma supply, clothes, weapons, a few other items, and his most valuable one, Chaos's Guide to the Universe - Earth Edition.

He flipped to Iria's page and read the description of the current ruler. Iria had previously been a democratic planet, but when Irone Ghost was elected as "President", he stripped the other branches of their powers, leaving him to control. The first few weeks were peaceful and uneventful until he decided to treat his citizens like shit. Taxes were raised, and anybody who even looked at the king funny was sentenced to harsh and unjust punishments. This had been going on for a few weeks now and Theron finally had enough information on the President to attack and exterminate him. He grabbed his sword, Vortex, and inserted it into its sheath on his hip. Then he grabbed his dagger, Serene, and slipped it into its sheath on his forearm.  

Just as Theron was about to W-TL to Iria, somebody opened the door. 


"Percy, are you awa- oh. Where are you going?" Luke asked.

"Iria," Theron responded, "Gotta kill the President. Oh, and please call me Theron. Percy brings up unwanted memories."

"Okay, but if you're doing your assassin thing...can I come with you? I've always wanted to see you in action."

Theron sighed. "Okay, but you must follow my lead. Okay?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Luke mock saluted.

Theron put his hand on Luke's shoulder and W-TLed to Iria.

When they appeared, they were in an alley the heart of the city. People walked around, avoiding eye contact with the evergrowing homeless number, hoping not to be called out. On Iria, women grew up to 9ft tall, men could only grow to 7. The people also usually had a blueish tint to their skin and often had horns that sprouted from their heads or shoulder blades, ranging in sizes. 

Luke looked around, studying his surroundings. The castle was located north of the heart of the city, it was made from what looked to be a smooth stone-like material. The city seemed to be in good condition, the only thing that said otherwise was a considerable quantity of homeless folks spread throughout the township. 

Theron walked out of the alley, Luke stumbling to keep up.

"Do you usually act this calm?" Luke asked.

Theron nodded, "It's my way of saying, 'Do not worry. It will be over soon.' to the people. They seem to understand it."

Sure enough, people began to notice the two cloaked figures. They would point and whisper to their friends.

They approached the palace at great speed. When they arrived at the gate, a group of about 5 guards was there, patrolling. They saw the two cloaked figures and paled immediately. Four of the five guards, stepped out of the way, allowing passage. The fifth, however, had other ideas. The guard stumbled up, he looked intoxicated.

"Y-you have no right t-to be here." the guard slurred.

Theron chuckled and without a moment's hesitation, pulled out his dagger and smashed the hilt on the drunken guard's head, effectively knocking him out. Theron stepped over the body and continued his path to the palace. 

Luke, meanwhile, was in awe. How could a person who appeared so gentle and kind when he first met him, become so ruthless? Betrayal. That's what. Luke thought. When they reached the throne room, a powerful stench of alcohol, cologne (or whatever Irians used to keep their body from stinking up) and sweat hit the two Commanders. Luke doubled over, gagging and coughing, trying to rid his lungs of the awful combination. Theron however, just faltered before taking a small sphere out of one of his cloak's many pockets. He threw it on the floor and the stench immediately disappeared and was replaced with the smell of newly made cookies.

The man who was sitting on his throne watched the two intruders enter. He couldn't help but be a little scared, this was the assassin. The Slayer of Many. And he has come to take his life.

One of the cloaked men surged forward.

"Irone Ghost," the masked man bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the room, "you have been charged with unjust use of power. How do you plea?"

Irone quickly regained his look of pride and power.

"How dare you accuse me of such things, peasant. I am your ruler! Bow to me!" Irone hissed.

"I am your judge, jury, and executioner and I plead you guilty. Have any last words?" The assassin said, taking out Serene.

Irone's nostrils flared. "This- This is treacherous!  He promised me safety from you."

"Who is this person who promised you safety from his wrath?" the other cloaked figure spoke up.

"My patron, Order. He and another diety promised me safety from you! He will rise again! And there is nothing you can do to sto-" the man would have said more, but it's kind of hard to do when you have a dagger in your throat.

Theron turned to Luke.

"We need to report this to Chaos and the other Commanders. Now."  


Words: 1,079

Published: June 12th, 2019

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