Chapter 28 - ROMEing Around

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Order rises from its chains,

End cannot be restrained,

Heroes of the past face ancient evil,

The cost of life shall stop upheaval.

Allies will be unmasked,

And Death will be tasked


Theron was tackled by the hellhound pups, they licked whatever part of his they could. Despite the looming battles up ahead, Theron and Estelle had fun playing with Blackjack and the O' Leary family.

Despite the circumstances, everybody was happy.


Theron awoke to a slight tugging sensation and harsh whispers. He must have fallen asleep when playing with Estelle, Blackjack and the O' Leary family. As his senses turned back on, he began to smell the scent of pine and make out the whispers.

"What do you mean it won't go down?" a feminine voice whispered angrily. "Just pull it down!"

"I can't, Annie," this voice was closer, almost directly in front of him. "It won't budge!"

"Don't call me, Annie!" the first voice snapped. Annabeth. Meaning that the other voice had to be...

"Stupid cloak!" Thalia. Wow, they were really bad at this sorta stuff. "Why can't it just go down?!"

"Because it's enchanted," Theron replied calmly. Thalia jumped and fell backward, cursing the whole time.

"And, you woke him up," Annabeth muttered. "Great."

Theron stood up and brushed the imaginary dirt off of his cloak. Once he was satisfied, he stretched his back and looked toward the two girls who were staring at him.

"Staring is rude," Theron stated, crossing his arms. Annabeth diverted her gaze while Thalia just glared.

"Your cloak is broken," Thalia declared, once again tugging on the hood of his cloak. Theron chuckled.

"No, it is enchanted so that nobody but the Commanders of Chaos can remove the hoods," he paused and glared at the two girls. Even though they couldn't see his face, they still shivered. "Haven't you heard the expression; curiosity killed the cat?"

"Actually," Annabeth started one of her Athenian rants. "The full phrase is, 'curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back', this means that the-"

"Okay, Google," Theron stopped the girl before she could get any further. "I get it, but still...why are you looking at me like that?"

"Did you just say 'Google'?" Thalia asked, her eyes sparkling.

Theron nodded, confused.

"Google went out of business centuries ago!" Annabeth exclaimed. "Three-hundred-seventy-one years to be precise. Meaning that you are not only from Earth but have been alive for a long time!"

The Commander's mouth went dry, this was not supposed to happen. Annabeth's eyes held curiosity and Thalia's held triumph. He wasn't ready to face them yet. He would do it after the war.

"Um, sorry," he racked his brain for an excuse to escape. "I...I need to go...organize my pants in alphabetical order...bye." he flame traveled away before they could protest. He ended up in the Chaos cabin where the Commanders were currently holding a mission.

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