Chapter 9 - Dreams

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That would be the word he used to describe the darkness around him. Peaceful. There was no worrying of prophecy yet to come in the future, no worries of any battles ahead. There was just darkness, and he was in the center of it. Floating. Flying. He could almost lay back and forget all the hardships yet to come. Almost.

There was a distant sound in the background. It sounded like someone was yelling. Or maybe it was multiple someones. They were yelling, but it sounded just like whispers. Whispers of the forgotten past. Whispers that he could no longer make out.

"Theron! Theron! Wake up! Perseus Jackson, I swear to the gods-" it was a feminine voice. But who was this 'Theron' person? And who was Perseus Jackson? The words felt familiar in the man's mouth but he could not put his finger on it. Who were these people? Who am I? That struck panic in the man.

Who am I?

Who am I?

Who am I?

Young one.

'Who was that?'

Young one, do not panic. I am only here to help you.

'Can you hear me?'

Yes, child. I am here to help you. Ask me a question and I will answer.

Who is this mythical being? Whose voice echoed, bouncing off of the walls of nothing and everything all at once.

'Who are you?' he asked.

The voice chuckled.

Very observant I see. That is a good trait to have. I am Space, child. Everywhere but nowhere.

That sounded unusual, but the man could not place his finger on it.

Hurry, child ask me once more, you are running out of time.

'Who...who am I?'

You? You, child, are whatever you want to be. However, your name is what gives you power. Does it not? Without your name, you are just a shell. A shell of what you were. Your name child is Perseus Jackson.

Roses are red

Percabeth is my favorite ship

Bipity Bop  

Here's a Time Skip

(P.S it's been 5 days)

Theron awoke in what looked to be his room. He didn't get to look around when he was in here for the brief moments. So he took a look around. The black walls that shimmered with stars and the planet-changing ceiling were pretty dam cool. His bed was pushed to the center of the room, surrounded by medical supplies that probably wouldn't be there if he was healthy. 

Theron stood up and stretched his stiff, sore muscles. He felt like Minotaur dung so he decided to clean himself up. He limped over to the personal bathroom and turned on the shower. He then turned to the sink and got out a toothbrush, and cleaned his mouth of the disgusting substance that tasted suspiciously of blood. He then lingered over to the shower and stepped in, the water already energizing him.

The shower made Theron a lot better, and he already felt much cleaner then he did when he woke up. He changed into a black shirt that, in large, white letters, said;


I'm an


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