Chapter 13 - Friend or Foe?

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Theron awoke to loud knocks pounding against his door. Groaning, and turning over on his side, the assassin attempted to ignore them.

"Theron," the voice of Mercy called, "Get your lazy podex up before I come in there and drag you out by your ear!"

"Try me!" came the muffled reply.

The door burst open, unwanted light spilling into the room.

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!" Mercy said, merrily.

The Commander of the Third Division barely took two steps before finding a dagger zooming right in between his legs. Mercy yelped and backed into the doorway again.

"Star?" Mercy whispered cautiously to someone to his left, "Care to help?"

"Do not call me Star. It is Stardust for you. And no, I am not helping you." the feminine voice of Stardust replied curtly.

"But Theron calls you Star! Why can't I?" he whined.

"Theron is the only decent man in the Universe. That's why."

"Okay, you lovesick pigeons go argue like the married couple you are someplace else. I'm trying to sleep." Theron groaned, stuffing a pillow on top of his head.

Theron thought he could faint giggling coming outside his door.

He felt the warmth of his covers get stripped away from him. However, since blankets are considered home objects, he could just summon another, warmer one.

"Theron get up! We have places to be!" Stardust said impatiently.

"The only place you'll be going is to Jupiter if you don't stop. I will actually Water Travel you to Jupiter. Try me."

Stardust sighed and walked away, before coming back with another person.

"Scout, you take the upper body, I'll take the lower." 

"Why do I even have to do this? Why can't Mercy do it?" Scout complained.    

"Because Mercy is a coward. Now ready? 3...2...1..." 

Theron was lifted off the bed and dropped to the ground. Groaning, he stood up and turned to the two laughing Huntresses.

Before he could do anything to the Commanders, they turned and bolted out of the door. Grumbling, Theron walked over to the bathroom to get ready.

Walking into the meeting room, Theron summoned a piece of toast and his trademark apple juice. Munching on his toast, Chaos appeared in his throne, signaling the start of the meeting.

"Void will be coming to meet us today. I expect all of you to treat her as you treat me." the Creator commanded.

Theron smirked. 

"Of course, O mighty Chaos," he said, doing an overdramatic bow.

Chaos sighed and disappeared again.

"Welp, I'm going back to bed," Theron announced, standing up.

Before he could make it out of the room, he felt a hand close around the scruff of his shirt, pulling him back.

"No, you don't. You go back to sleep, we won't be able to wake you back up in time for Void's visit." the voice of Phantom stated.

"That's kind of the point," Theron muttered before speaking up, "Fine, but I have some questions to ask you all."

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