Chapter 29 - Endless Sleep

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Order rises from its chains,

End cannot be restrained,

Heroes of the past face ancient evil,

The cost of life shall stop upheaval.

Allies will be unmasked,

And Death will be tasked


"Do you two know each other," Theron asked, summoning himself a box of apple juice.

"I hope so," Lucy said, looking at Theron seriously. "She's my girlfriend."


By the way, listen to Panic! At The Disco's House of Memories because 1.) It's a good song, and 2.)I think it fits some of the chapter! Enjoy.

Out of all the responses Theron had expected, that was the last response he had anticipated. "Oh,"

"You weren't hitting on her, were you? Lucy jumped to her feet and pulled out her dagger, placing it underneath the Commander's chin. "I swear to the gods if you were hitting-"

"I wasn't hitting on her," Theron assured, raising his hands. "I swear it on the Styx!"

Lucy visibly relaxed and dropped her dagger back into its sheath. "I'm sorry," she ran her hands through her light brown hair. "I've just been so nervous about the war, and Camp Jupiter has fallen and we lost so many demigods and-"

"Lucy," the daughter of Victoria looked up, stopping her rant. "If you dwell on things in the past, how will you think about the things in the future? Take a deep breath and calm down, I promise that Julia is safe."

Lucy closed her eyes and complied, taking deep, soothing breaths. Theron stood up and stretched his back. Or he tried to. He had completely forgotten of his wing he had broken when attempted to slow his landing. He winced and slowly straightened his back, muttering curses the whole way.

"How in the name of Pluto did you forget that you broke your wing?" Lucy exclaimed as she rushed over to help the injured Commander. "How do you even have wings?"

"I don't know!" Theron replied, summoning himself a square of Ambrosia and popping it in his mouth. "But it doesn't matter, we have to get to Camp Half-Blood if we want to make it before nightfall."

Lucy sighed. "You're right, I'll tell Queen Kinzie and the Legion," she hesitantly turned to address the troops as Theron attempted to soothe his aching wing. The Ambrosia stopped most of the pain, but it still hurt when he moved it. He looked up and saw most of the Roman Legion getting into position, preparing themselves for the march ahead of them. Theron jogged over and met up with Lucy and Kinzie, who were chatting with one another.

"Let's get moving," Kinzie announced as she turned to direct the Amazons. Those that were too injured to walk were carried by others, but most of them seemed to be in satisfactory condition. 

"Romans!" Lucy shouted, gaining the attention of the demigods. "Continue marching east! We should arrive at Camp Half-Blood at nightfall!"

Relieved looks crossed the faces of wounded demigods, all they wanted is somewhere to lay down and rest somewhere safe. They raised their weapons and cheered before the two cohorts started marching. The Amazons had already started traveling and were ahead of the Romans. While the cohorts marched, Theron and Lucy talked to one another.

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