Chapter 26 - Foretold

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Olympus will survive another day. Demigods cheered and reunited with their friends. Massive deaths were taken into account, but right now everyone was happy to be alive. The peace only lasted so long when the whirring of an engine could be heard. The campers stopped celebrating and paused, all listening for the sound of the engine. It slowly approached and after five agonizing minutes, the source of the noise was found.

The demigods looked up and saw a helicopter heading their way, leaning out of the door was the one and only Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

The Oracle had arrived.


The helicopter landed in the middle of the battlefield. Rachel quickly hopped out of the vehicle and looked around. She looked sad, defeated her eyes scanned the growing crowds of demigods, most likely looking for a familiar face. Her eyes hesitated on the group of cloaked figures that were staring -at least she thought- right back at her. Some of them had a very familiar aura, but she couldn't quite place it.

"Rachel!" the Oracle turned towards the voice and released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. 

"Annabeth, oh my gods. I'm so sorry! I came as fast as possible!" she embraced her oldest friend.

"It's okay, Rachel," Annabeth comforted. "You're here now and that's what matters."

Over the years, the two had become friends. They grew especially close during the War of Hell, often comforting each other in times of hardship. 

"Is everyone else okay?" she asked Annabeth, pulling back from the hug.

"There are some heavy losses but so far we are okay. We think Jason broke his wrist though, nothing some Ambrosia can't fix." the daughter of Athena replied gravely. 

"That's good," Rachel said solemnly. "I am sorry I couldn't be here sooner."

"It's okay, Rach," Annabeth embraced her friend once more. "Do you have a prophecy?"

Rachel's eyes held multiple emotions at this; sadness, excitement, fear. 

Rachel nodded. She let the Oracle possess her body, allowing the prophecy she had been hearing to flow through her and into the world.

"Order rises from its chains,

End cannot be restrained,

Heroes of the past face ancient evil, 

The cost of life shall stop upheaval.

Allies will be unmasked,

And Death will be tasked."

Annabeth paled. This prophecy did not sound all rainbows and unicorns. Why couldn't a prophecy just say something cheerful and happy that makes sense?

"We...we can worry about the prophecy later," Annabeth said. "For now, let's catch up on some stuff."

"What's with the cloak-y people?" Rachel asked, looking at the small group. One of them had the top of their cloak caught on fire while desperately trying to pat it out. The boys laughed while the girls looked at one another and seemed to be questioning their existence.

Annabeth was studying them too. "There's ten of them, they are Commanders of the Chaos Army," she explained. "They came to help us with the war. Only one of them revealed themselves so far, the tenth one. You won't believe who it was."

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