Chapter 25 - Foretell

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Theron felt as if he were sinking. His body felt weighed down and heavy. He felt himself fall to the ground, but he could do nothing about it. He felt his eyes close, but he let them. He felt his heartbeat get slower, but he let it. He felt his breathing hinder, but he let it. Because after all;

It was all his fault.


Theron smiled as he felt his body start to lose function. This is what he deserved. Right? He didn't try hard enough, and this was the consequences to his actions. He welcomed the pain that racked his body each second his heart failed to beat. He laughed at the pain his lungs gave him as he ignored their pleas for air. He greeted the darkness that was slowly becoming exceedingly permanent.


Theron stopped as he heard the voice echo in his head. His eyes opened against his will. Instead of being surrounded by darkness, he was environed by light. He looked around and saw his friends and family standing there, smiling at him. 

Don't listen to the voices, Percy.

They were made to bring you down.

Our deaths were not your fault.

He saw his mom baking blue cookies, she was smiling and humming a verse to a song. He saw Paul approach his mother and wrap his arms around her, smiling. He watched Bianca laugh with her younger brother. He viewed Zoe running through the woods with her sisters, smiling and laughing. He observed Lee talk with his brothers and sisters in the Apollo cabin. He witnessed Beckendorf making new machines with the Hephaestus cabin, grinning at his siblings' creations. He saw Silena walking along the beach with Beckendorf, both laughing and looking out into the waves of the ocean. He saw Michael teaching Will about healing, smiling brightly at the improvement of his brother. He saw Ethan talking amongst his family. He watched Luke travel the world with Annabeth and Thalia. He witnessed Phoebe laugh with Zoe and another one of her friends, Atalanta. He saw his sisters, Estella and Julia running around and laughing with other Immortal Campers.

People need you more than you can imagine, Percy.

Do not give up yet.

Theron felt his heartbeat get stronger, his breathing even out. His vision sharpened and his legs grew stronger. He stood up. His friends needed him. His family needed him. The Campers needed him. He closed his eyes once more and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, he was laying on the ground. Around him, he heard the sounds of battle. His eyes widened. He quickly picked himself off the ground and looked around. Besides him, Queen and Gemini were withering on the ground, most likely trapped in their own nightmares. 

He forced his gaze away from the two withering bodies of the Assassins of Void. The battle was still going on, neither side had the advantage. He looked around for the Primordial Beast. Theron saw Omega and another person a few yards away. The person was female, she was dressed in armor and held a familiar glinting bronze sword. His breathing hitched as he recognized the person.


Theron ran. He ignored the screams for his name, he had one objective, and he wasn't planning on losing. Vortex found its way into his grip as he sprinted towards his younger sister.

"-UGLY WOLF BEAST THING!" Theron began to hear what Estelle was yelling about. Despite the circumstances, he couldn't help but smirk. It seems like sass was common in his family. The ground rumbled and Theron had to grab onto a nearby tree to prevent himself from falling. He realized that the rumbling was caused by Omega. Just it's growling could shake the Earth. He needed to get to Estelle. Wings sprouted from his back as he shot into the sky. Omega raised it's paw and swatted in an attempt to crush the daughter of Poseidon. 

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