Sans x Compassion Soul Reader

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Okay, this soul trait in my mind would be like kindness, but also having bits of other traits too. But the colour of this is a light pink. (Thank you Anythinganamationz for letting me know about the fear soul being a dark pink.) Also, this is inspired by multiple fanfics up here.

You might recognise some of the plotlines. However, note that I am trying to be as different as possible instead of just changing the soul trait and characters.

So yes, this might be similar to other fanfics up here, but know that I am trying my hardest not to copy the ideas. I am legitimately writing this story, and I did not copy any of it.

I use ideas, shape them into my own, add some details of my own, and bam, I have a story plotline. But not the story itself.

You were always on edge. It wasn't that you wanted to be, it was because you had to be. Everyone who saw your soul was reminded of Betty.

Your soul colour was a light pink. You were a compassion soul, being kind to everyone, yet... they all were scared of you... except your friend, Frisk. However, she never saw your soul.

You were so discouraged. Having been alone for most of your life, you were content with only having Frisk as a friend. However, when monsters were freed from the underground, Frisk kept inviting you to meet them.

Yet, you turned her down every time. You never wanted anyone to know your soul colour. You knew they would fear you.

Your soul was already beginning to cave into all the hate, becoming duller with every cruel comment thrown at you. It only held a light pink tint now, with cracks running through it, but only small ones. Your whole view on the world was being torn apart.

You tried your hardest to be kind, and calm but... when people feared you, it caused you to feel angry at them, but never show them. You would always smile sadly when they ran from you, and walk the other way.

Okay, I've wasted enough time. On with this story.

You were sitting on your couch, not really thinking of anything, when you heard knocks on the door. It was not normal for you to have someone show up.

You checked through the peephole in your front door, seeing it was a skeleton. You jolted back, but answered nonetheless.

"Hey, kiddo... Frisk told me I'd find ya here... How are ya?"

So this was one of the monsters? You were shaking a bit, but your compassion trait shone through your nervousness.

You smiled, holding out your hand for a handshake. "Well, I'm doing fine! But hey, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you... uh...?"

The skeleton smiled back, "The name's Sans, Sans the Skeleton." He shook your hand, but he yelped and pulled his hand away.

You held up your hand, revealing a joy buzzer. "Sorry, Sans. I couldn't resist!"

Sans chuckled. You were surprised. No one had ever liked when you pulled that trick. So, you laughed a bit before stopping. You stepped aside, letting him come in.

After a few minutes of talking, you heard your phone ring, and at the same time, your soul clenched in pain. You winced, but ignored it. You got up, answering your phone.

You regretted it. It was your boss at work. She was unhappy with finding out you were a "fear soul" and fired you. Suddenly scared, you hung up before you could hear the growls of your bo- excuse me, ex boss.

Quietly, you let out a whimper. Sans heard this, and walked in to check on you. He jolted at the sight of you crying silently to yourself. You began to sink to your knees, but Sans managed to catch you.

He held you to him, softly stroking your hair and whispering to you. "Shhhhh shhhh shhh... it's okay, (Y/n)... you're okay..."

After a while, you settled. Sans gently pulled away a bit, so he could see your face.

"Feeling better, kiddo?"

You nodded, and sighed, pulling away completely. "Sorry you had to see that... I was just fired from my job..."

"Why were you fired?"

You shuddered, "I would rather not say... it's not something I would want to talk about..."

Sans smiled softly, pulling you back into the warmth his hug provided. But you clutched your soul, scared of Sans seeing it and trying to kill you.

You could tell Sans had already been killed by Betty before, so you knew if he saw your soul colour, he would hate you. Even if you weren't the trait everyone assumed.

It was silent for a while in your head, but Sans' voice filtered through the fog.

"-/n)? (Y/n)? Are you okay?"

You blinked a few times. You had been out of it so much that your head was now throbbing. Sans had a worried look in his eye sockets.

He used his magic, and you felt your soul about to appear, but you hurriedly tried to fight against the magic. It was no use, as your soul flickered into existence.

Sans' eye sockets darkened. He growled, his left eye flickering blue.

"A  N E W  F E A R 
S O U L  ..."

First part done! This would be too long if I kept it going from here. But there will be a part 2. Later!

Sans x Reader AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now