Talking Over a Sandwich

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Narrator's POV

"Heart rate is stable." Said a nurse in the operation room.

"Good work, team." The surgeon said, putting down the tools he had in his hands.

"Hah..." Stephen sighed in relief under his medical mask.



"Hm?" Stephen turned around. "Ah, Christine." He smiled.

"How did the surgery go?" She asked, now walking alongside Stephen.

Stephen was wearing his navy blue colored scrub with a white lab coat over it. He was heading out for lunch after the surgery.

"It went good. Just like planned. Saved a man's life today." He said.

"We like that." Christine said. "You've only been working here two months and everyone seems to like you."

"Do they?" Stephen asked.

"Yes. You're kind and friendly." She said. "Funny, too."

"Will you be joining me for lunch today?" Stephen asked. "I could humor you over a turkey sub."

"I'm afraid not." Christine answered. "I'm on my way to see a patient with a punctured lung."

"That's a shame." Stephen said. "I was going over to the Frank's Deli." He said.

"I love that place." Christine said.

"I know." Stephen smiled at her.

"I've gotta run." She said, jogging down the hall. "I'll see you later."

"Alright." Stephen nodded.


"Um, yes. Let me get a turkey sub with Swiss and about every vegetable you've got." Stephen said as he came up to the counter of the deli.

Soon enough his sandwich was down and he took a seat in one of the booths at the deli, where he began eating his sub along with a water bottle.

He looked out the window, staring at the city of New York.

Cars rushed past the deli, people walked by. Some had bags in their hands, other had pets. Some had partners with them, others had children.

Stephen watched as a large screen in front of him on a building displayed propaganda and advertised products.

"And don't you put tomatoes in it. I'm very careful about that." 

Stephen looked up when he heard a familiar voice.

In the line of people in the deli, he saw Tony standing there, building his sub.

"And a Diet Coke please." Tony said, before lying for his food. "Thank you." He said, taking his food and looking for somewhere to sit. He spotted Stephen shortly. "Stephen?" He asked.

"Hey, Tony." Stephen said. "Nice to see you again."

Tony walked over to him. "Mind if I join ya?"

"Not at all. Please." Stephen pointed at the seat across from him. "Come and sit."

"Didn't know you liked Frank's." Tony said.

"Oh yes." Stephen said. "It's one of the best delis I've been to so far since I've moved."

"How long have you been here?" Tony asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Two months." Stephen said.

"And you just came to see me?" Tony asked, trying his best to talk with his mouth full.

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