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Narrator's POV

Splish, splash, I was takin' a bath
Long about a Saturday night, yeah
A rub dub, just relaxin' in the tub
Thinkin' everythin' was alright

Well, I stepped out the tub
I put my feet on the floor
I wrapped the towel around me and I
Opened the door

"And then a-splish, splash
I jumped back in the bath
Well, how was I to know
There was a party goin' on?" Stephen sang in his mirror as he fixed his hair, signing into the mirror on his favorite parts.

The cloak swayed to the rhythm of the music. It had never seen Stephen so happy.

Stephen turned to the cloak and approached it, singing into his comb.
"There was a-splishin' and a-splashin'
Reelin' with the feelin'
Movin' and a-groovin'
Rockin' and a-rollin', yeah, yeah." He took the cloak by one of its corners and and began to dance with it, spinning it and twirling it.

The cloak was having as much fun as Stephen.

Quickly getting dressed, Stephen made his way downstairs signing.

The cloak followed behind him happily.

Stephen snapped his fingers and the cloak quickly converted itself into a small handkerchief and itself into the small pocket in Stephen's shirt as the man kept signing, swinging his hips everyone now and then and busting a few moves.

"Bing, bang, I saw the whole gang
Dancin' on my living room rug, yeah
Flip, flop, they was doin' the bop
All the teens had the dancin' but
There was lollipop with a Peggy Sue
Good golly, Miss Molly was-a even there, too
A- well-a, splish, splash, I forgot about the bath
I went and put my dancin' shoes on, yeah." He sang, looking into the mirror by the door, making sure his hair and everything else was well fixed. He winked at himself, smiling. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door. He looked up at the Sanctum and snapped his fingers.

A yellow glow outlined the building, then disappeared.

The Sanctum was secure.

Stephen nodded and made his way down the streets of New York, still taking the good vibes and rhythm in his head and heart.

"Spare change. Spare change sir." A man sitting on some card box said, holding his hand out to Stephen.

Stephen smiled and handed him a twenty.

"Thank you so much sir." The man brought his hands together and thanked Stephen.

Stephen winked at him.

I was a-rollin' and a-strollin'
Reelin' with the feelin'
Movin' and a-groovin'
Splishin' and a-splashin', yeah

Stephen tapped his foot to the rhythm as he waited for the cross walk turned green around the corner.


Yes, I was a-splishin' and a-splashin'
I was a-rollin' and a-strollin'
Yeah, I was a-movin' and a-groovin'
We was a-reelin' with the feelin'

Stephen danced across the stripped crosswalk, getting plenty of odd stares from people and cars at the stop light, but he didn't care. He was feeling good, his heart was lifted. He felt so high.

A whole wave of good vibes washed over his body.

It was a wonderful sensation.

He was high as a kite, not from drugs you see, but from the love bug, and he was never coming down.

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