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Narrator's POV

"You're doing it all wrong! You shouldn't be using an defibrillator. Perform CPR first."

"So how did the new job go?" Tony asked Stephen.

Tony sat up while Stephen laid across the couch in the living room with his head on Tony's lap, watching Grey's Anatomy.

Tony enjoyed watching hospital dramas.

Stephen only watched them to point out the flaws, but Tony actually loved hearing his boyfriend talk how to really solve the medical problem happening on screen. Sometimes he'd purposely ask Stephen "how do you really do that?" just so he could hear the doctor infodump.

These were their favorite date nights.

Watching medical dramas with popcorn and cuddling on the couch; and Stephen made commentary the entire time on how things should actually be done, which was Tony's favorite part.

Also because Stephen's intellect turned him on.

"It was good." Stephen said. "I got the job."

"What?" Tony said. "Stephen that's great." He smiled. "I'm so proud of you."

Stephen looked up him. "Really?" He asked.

"Of course I am." Tony leaned down and kiss Stephen's forehead. "I'm so happy for you."

Stephen smiled him. "Thank you." He formed small circles on Tony's knee. "My turn..." He thought. "What happened to Steve?"

"You remember James?" Tony asked.

"Oh from the Academy?" Stephen asked.

"Yes. He came back, and he and Steve got together." Tony said.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Stephen said. "He doesn't know what he's missing. It was his loss."

Tony chuckled. "My turn. When are you starting?" Tony asked.

"Tomorrow." Stephen said.

"Oh, so is like Timothy your new boss or something?" Tony asked.

Stephen chuckled lightly. "That's two questions, but no. He was just being kind and gave me a new job opportunity. Friends look out for each other."

"Friends?" Tony asked.

"Yeah." Stephen answered. "His apology was very sweet and thoughtful."

"Hmm..." Tony squinted his eyes. "I still don't trust that twig."

Stephen laughed. "I didn't believe it at the beginning. I was really watching out for him, but he's actually changed. You've just gotta give it time."

"I love you Stephen, but I still don't trust that literally green ass son of a bitch." He hissed. "I'm not letting that leafy bitch touch or hurt my wizard again. I'm keeping an eye on him."

"Oh calm down." Stephen chuckled lightly, sitting up a little, kissing Tony's chin. "Come to bed with me."

Tony blushed, and looked down at Stephen.

"It's only eight thirty." Tony said.

"Please." Stephen said.

Tony couldn't deny Stephen when he gave him that beautiful sweet smile. "Okay. Come on." He said.

"Yes!" Stephen sat up and took him by the hand, rushing upstairs. "Beeeeeed!"

Ton laughed as he ran behind Stephen.


-beep- -beep- -beep-

"Stephennnnn..." Tony groaned when the alarm interrupted the sleep he was finally getting.

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