Pillow Forts

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Narrator's POV

"Ah!" Tony hissed and jerked away from Stephen.

"Sorry, but I have to clean the wound." Stephen said as he used a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide to clean Tony's wounds that he'd obtain during the battle they had earlier at the museum.

The two were sitting in the kitchen at the small dining table with a first aid kid sitting in the table.

"It stings." Tony said.

"I know." Stephen said. "Just try your best to stay still, please."

Tony gritted his teeth and held on tightly to the edge of the chair he was sitting in as Stephen continued to brush the cotton ball over his cuts. "How'd you find us anyway?"

Stephen smiled. "I can feel disturbances. I felt your distress and the disturbance Modok was causing." Stephen said, taking out small pieces of gauze and tape, patching Tony up.

"What you did was really impressive." Tony said.

Stephen smiled. "Thank you."

"And your entrance was hot." Tony said.

Stephen rolled his eyes playfully.

"I almost shouted "that's my boyfriend"." Tony said.

"Only you Tony." Stephen said.

"Shut up." Tony said, standing from his chair and messing Stephen's hair up. "You know you love me." He said kissing Stephen's head before walking into the living room.

"Where are you going?" Stephen asked, turning to him.

"Setting up for date night." Tony said.

"Setting up?"

"I wanted to do something special tonight as a token of my gratitude for saving my ass out there today." Tony said.

Stephen chuckled lightly. "Okay."

"I just need to get a few things, okay?" Tony said, going upstairs.

He went into their room, pulling off sheets and covers and blankets, and digging in the closet for more. He dumped all that out in the living room and went back up to get a large stack of pillows.

Stephen watched in curiosity, tilting his head once he saw Tony carrying Christmas lights with him.

He went to their upstair bathroom to get the small circular bowl full of dry fragrances petals.

He found it suspicious that the water was running, he slowly opened the door, seeing a shadow moving behind the shower curtains.

He slowly reached of the curtains, taking a hold of them. He took in a deep breath and let it go, quickly pulling the curtain opened.

"Ah." He gasped when he saw the cloak in the shower with the water running, quickly covering its "exposed parts". "AAAAAHHHHHH!" Tony yelped.

The cloak threw the scrub at him.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Tony closed the curtains again, covering his eyes and shaking his head. He raced downstairs.

"Are you okay? Tony?" Stephen asked.

"Yes. Yes." Tony said. "I just...the shower and the cloak. It was...I didn't-" Tony couldn't even talk.

Stephen laughed. "Yeah. The Cloak of Levitation is quite the interesting relic." He said.

"Yeah... I-I noticed." Tony said.

Stephen chuckled.

"Anyway, let me finish." Tony said, going into the living room and started to work on setting up for date night.

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