Don't Stop Me Now

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Narrator's POV

"Strange, you can't leave the Sanctum." Wong said. "It's assigned to you. You can't just give it away. You are the master of this Sanctum."

"Dammit it." Strange said. "I guess I'll just have to stay here."

"Yes. You belong here, with the people of New York." Wong said.

Stephen smiled. "I think that's the nicest thing you've told me since I've known you."

"I have my own Sanctum to take care of. See you around, Strange." Wong opened a portal.

"Goodbye Wong." Stephen said.

Wong left.

Stephen felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

It was a text from Pepper.

I don't know if you care all that much, but Tony has decided to move to Oregon in a few days.

Stephen rolled his eyes.

Good. That way I won't see his face everywhere around here.

He texted. He turned his phone off and put it in his pocket, sighing and walking over to one of the windows of the Sanctum.

The cloak followed him.

They both watched as rain fell from the sky and wet the concrete jungle.

"Do you think I went too far?" Stephen asked. "I mean, he was gone for two years..." He but his lip. "...but everyone at least deserves the chance to explain themselves; and I haven't even given that chance to him." He said. "I was just so angry at him for doing this to me. For leaving me." He sighed. "I don't know cloak..." He turned to the piano he had taken from Tony's home while he was gone. He walked over to it, putting a quick tune together in his mind.

He had it. He began to play the keys, sighing along with them. "Do you remember when we were two beautiful birds? We would light up the sky, when we'd fly. You were orange and red like the sun when it sets. I was green as an apple's eye." He sang softly.

You said you loved all the songs that I'd sing
But nothing like you'd ever heard
And I said I loved you with all of my heart
When we were two beautiful birds


"Pepper, make sure you get those boxes too." Tony pointed at a couple of boxes near the kitchen as he held a phone to his ear. "Yes Rogers, I'm leaving. Oh calm down." He said. "I'll still come to your little secret meetings or whatever you call them... Yeah. Alright. Thanks... You too." He hung up. He looked up at all his belongings being packed into boxes.

Do you remember when we were two beautiful birds?
We would say when the morning would come
You are silver and blue like the moon when it's new
I was gold as the summer sun

This was it.

He was really leaving New York.

There was no reason for him to stay here when he didn't have anywhere or anyone to belong to.

He would still keep in touch with the whole team, and do mission with them whenever he was needed.

"Tony, are you sure this is what you want?" Pepper asked him, shouting a little as a helicopter landed in front of the house.

Tony looked at her. "I..." He hesitated.

But one day you asked for a different song
One that I just couldn't sing
I got the melody sharp and the words all wrong
Those were the last days of spring

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