First Halloween

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Narrator's POV

>knock< >knock<

"I'm coming." May said, going over to the door. She opened it. "Oh, Stephen. Tony. How lovely to see you." She said.

"Hello May." Stephen said, leaning forward and embracing May before kissing her cheek.

"Hey, there." Tony said, shaking her hand.

"Please come in." She said, stepping aside, letting them in. "Wasn't expecting you to see you tonight." She said. "Being Halloween and all."

"Yeah, we don't really do much around this time besides watch scary black and white movies." Tony said.

"I would imagine so." May said, laughing. "So what brought you here tonight?"

"We Just wanted to drop by and see how Peter was doing." Stephen said. "It's been a while since we've seen him."

"Yeah, where is the Squirt?" Tony asked looking around.

"Oh, just you wait til you see him. He picked his costume and everything." May said. "Peter. Look who's here to see you."

"I'm coming." Peter's voice came from upstairs.

Tony and Stephen come over to the staircase, awaiting for Peter.

Peter came out of a room, slowly and carefully walking down the stairs, staying close to the wall. He was dressed as an itsy bitsy black spider.

It had been maybe a year or so since Tony and Stephen had seen Peter. They were busy a lot, which didn't leave a lot of time to spend with Peter, but they managed to sneak in one or two play dates a year.

"Aww." Stephen awed.

This melted his heart.

They waited for him to reach the bottom.

"Whoa." Peter said, skipping a step and slipping two down.

Everyone gasped, holding in their breaths and leaning forward to catch him, but Peter caught himself.

The adults sighed in relief.

"That was scary." Peter said, finishing the last few steps.

"It was." Tony said.

"But look!" Peter jumped in happiness.

"Ooh, a spider! How scary!" Stephen said, jumping back a little.

"No." Peter said. "I'm amazing." He said.

Stephen picked him up, spinning him. "You really are." He smiled.

Peter laughed. "Did you know spiders aren't bugs, they're arachnids?"

"What? No way." Stephen said. "I thought thy were bugs."

"I read that in a book about spiders." Peter said.


"Yeah!" Peter smiled.

"He's already reading?" Tony asked May.

"Oh yes." May said. "I was making dinner one night, and he just picked up one of Ben's papers and began to read." She said.

"New papers?" Tony asked.

"I know." May said. "He did it all on his own. He was just sitting there in the living room, playing with some toys, when I looked over and he had the news paper opened in front of him."

"Oh!" Peter said. "Uncle Ben is going trick or treating with me when he gets back from the store." Peter said.

"Is he?" Stephen asked.

"Yes!" Peter smiled brightly.

Stephen smiled at him. "Well I hope you get a lot of candies." He said.

"You're not coming with us?" Peter asked.

"We wish we could, but we have things going on, even on Halloween." Tony said.

"Aww." Peter said.

"Hey, put a smile back on that face." Stephen said. "You gotta be as cute as ever to get as much candy." He said. "A happy face, is a cute one, a cute face means more candy."

"Yes." Peter said, putting a smile back on his face.

Tony's watch went off.

He looked down at it. "Well, we've gotta go." He said.

"Already? You've only been here like a minute." Peter said.

"Well, maybe next time we can come over for more than a minute." Stephen said, kissing his cheek and putting him down.

"Maybe we'll have a barbecue." Tony said.

"That sounds like a lovely idea." May said.

Stephen and Tony made their way to the door.

May followed with Peter by her side.

"We'll see you later Pete." Tony said.

Stephen and Tony made their way to Tony's car parked outside.

Stephen looked back at Peter, who was looking back at him as he held May's hand. Stephen sent him a smile, waving at him.

Peter waved at him.

Stephen made a yellow glow appear in his hand and sent it toward Peter.

It sparkled around Peter, making the toddler's eyes twinkle.

"Happy Halloween Peter." Stephen said before getting in the car.

Peter reached for the yellow glow around him, giggling.

It disappeared after a few minutes.

"Hm?" Peter looked around for the glow.

It was no longer there.

He looked up to see Tony and Stephen we're gone.


"When are we going to let people trick or treat at the Sanctum?" Tony asked Stephen, who was setting up a sheet in front of the projector in the living area. Tony watched as kids walked by in costumes.

"This place is sacred." Stephen said. "No ones suppose to be in here besides me. You're lucky to just be standing in here." Stephen said, in a mess of cables.

"The Sanctum is a perfect place to make a haunted house." Tony said. "It already has the creepy aspect, and with your magic; this place would evoke the cries and screams from children." Tony said. "You'd be known for having one of the best haunted houses in the whole country."

"Yeah, okay. Did you want to watch "The Creature of the Lagoon" or "Werewolves on the Loose"?" Stephen asked, holding two VHS tapes.

"Which one is shorter?" Tony asked.

"Creature of the Lagoon." Stephen said.

"Hmm... Werewolves on the Loose." Tony said. "The title just screams terrible acting and awful graphics."

Stephen smiled and popped in the tape into the player, turning on the projector. He joined Tony on the couch with snacks. "This is what Halloween night is for." He said, cuddling Tony close and laying his head on his shoulder.

"Yup." Tony said. "Watching really old movies and judging them based on their budget." He said, kissing Stephen's forehead.

"Sh." Stephen said. "It's starting."

There was a howl as the title appeared with suspenseful music on the white sheets.

They laughed.

"God, this is gonna be awful." Tony said.

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