Pepper and Cloak with a Plan

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Narrator's POV

"Well, you're up early." Pepper said as she made her way into the kitchen with some papers in her arms.

"Oh." Tony said. "Yeah." He took a sip of his coffee.

"Any particular reason why?" She asked.

"Just decided to get up and watch the sun rise." Tony said.

"Ah, I see." Pepper said, setting the papers on the counter top. She walked to one of the cabinets to get herself a coffee mug. "Where's Steve?"

"He's gone." Tony said taking a bite of his toast.

Pepper turned to him. "You mean he's..."

"Yes." Tony said, taking a drink from his mug.

"Oh." Pepper said, turning back to her coffee. She caught a particular smell in the air. She sniffed around, opening the trash can compartment. She saw a bottle at the bottom.

"Wait, Pep don't-"

"Anthony Edward Stark." She said, holding an empty bottle of Jim Beam. "It's not even nine in the morning."

"Uh..." Tony chuckled. "Ah-" He grabbed his mug and chugged down as much as he could.



"Oh my gosh."

Stephen smiled. "Hi Christine." He said.

Christine rushed over to him and embraced him.

He hugged her back. "I missed you too."

"Where were you?" She asked, pulling away. "We were all very worried about you."

"Sorry. I had some personal stuff going on." Stephen said.

"Well, we're glad you're okay." She said. "I'm glad your back."

"Thank you. I'm very glad to be back." Stephen said.

"Well, you have a reason to." She said.

"Hm?" Stephen asked.

"You're in the children's unit today." She said, handing him a clipboard.

"No way." Stephen said.

"She's waiting for you in palliative care." Christine smiled.

"It's been so long since I've seen her." Stephen said.

"She's very excited to see you." Christine smiled at Stephen.

"So am I." Stephen said.

"Well, I've gotta go out for lunch." She said. "I'll see you around Stephen." She said.

"Same to you." Stephen said.


>knock< >knock<

"Is this Madeline's room? I have a special delivery for her." Stephen said with a goofy smile on, stepping into one of the many rooms in palliative care.

"Ah! Dr. Pickles!" A little girl, no older than seven, gasped in the hospital bed.

There were stuffed animals all over the bed, and drawings taped on the walls.

Stephen smiled softly. "Hello Madeline."

"Hello." Madeline smiled at Stephen as she embraced a blue stuffed dolphin. She had tubes and IV lines over her face, with a little flower patch to hold them in place on her cheek.

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