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the train pulls up to my station and i get off and walk slowly home. the sun is beginning to set and the sky is painted with a mixture of oranges, pinks and blues. i tilt my head upwards and take a deep breath. i haven't felt so carefree in what seems like forever. birds dart in and out of trees overhead, their chirping fills the sky as dusk settles in for the night.

my mum's home so i walk straight in the unlocked front door.

"i'm home!" i call out.

"how was your day?" my mum called back.

"amazing" i replied. it was the only word i could think of. my mum came out of the study and smiled at me.

"aw, that's good brynny" she hugs me. i hug back tighter.

"so is the guy nice?" she asks me as she walks around the bench into the kitchen to a pot with something boiling in it, which i can only assume is our dinner.

"insanely nice mum," i say. "he genuinely was so good to talk to," i sigh and smile as all of the memories from today refill my head.

"looks like you're smitten" my mum jokes.

"it's not like that" i correct her. "we're just mild acquaintances, maybe almost friends" i say.

"anyhow, i'm glad you had a good day. you deserved it brynne" mum smiles. i walk around the bench and give my mum another hug.

"love you mum. i'm gonna go upstairs and have a shower" i say

"dinner will be ready in about 15," she replies. "your brother and dad will be home just before that i think".

"okay!" i say as i run upstairs, walk into my bedroom and crash onto my bed in a heap. the smile on my face is inexplicable. today was incredible; there's no other way of explaining it. every part of it makes me want to rewind time and live it all over again. and the fact that he's already invited me to his gig, AT THE OPERA HOUSE makes me actually so eternally happy. that reminds me; i promised him i would listen to his music.

i pick my laptop up off my desk and sit down on my bed. I open up spotify and search up 'ruel'. sure enough his face comes up. i shake my head. damn you are famous, i think to myself as my eyes fall upon his 5 million monthly listeners. i press play on his most popular song, it's called 'younger'. i pull out my phone and record my reaction to send to ruel.

the chorus actually bangs and i send ruel a video of me dancing. he replies straight away. it's a photo of his head and he's written i was waiting for this to happen, so when are u making ur fanpage? he jokes.

i actually love it, i reply. i listen to the rest of his music and his voice is literally angelic. i am so in love with his music, how i hadn't heard it before i have no idea.

ruel: so u like it?  

brynne: like it? holy shit man ur so talented  

ruel: wow thank u, it means a lot coming from a distinguished music listener such as yourself  

brynne: put it on vinyl and i'll listen to it forever  

ruel: maybe i should  

brynne: and about the concert, i'm so down

ruel: hell ye 

brynne: what date will it be?  

ruel: i'm pretty sure we've booked the venue for the 16th of may

brynne: i'm writing it on my calendar as we speak

ruel: damn you're enthusiastic

unexpected - ruel van dijkWhere stories live. Discover now