the party

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it's friday night, i stand in front of my mirror analysing every inch of my body. i hate how i look. my blonde fringe sits awkwardly on my forehead, my face is uneven and my thighs touch. when i look in the mirror all i see are imperfections. no matter how much makeup i put on, or how much i suck in my stomach; i know that i'll never be perfect. 

i'm wearing a glittery blue dress that hugs my figure with a white turtle neck underneath. this honestly makes me even more self-conscious because i can't hide anything. i am also wearing my black doc martins with white socks just poking out the top.

 i am also wearing my black doc martins with white socks just poking out the top

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"brynne?" my mum yells from downstairs, "are you going to this party?" 

i check the time, it's 7pm. the party started at six... fuck.

"coming now!" i yell as i run downstairs with my purse and phone in hand.

my mum drops me to the party because i can't be bothered to drive. she drops me at the house. 

"have fun," she says. she can obviously tell i look nervous. "just relax brynne, you'll be fine." i smile at her and get out of the car.

"love you mum," i say as i close the car door and walk into the party, absolutely shitting myself. i knock on the door and my palms instantly start sweating. the door opens and a tall tanned girl with dark hair is standing there. 

"hi, i'm brynne" i say; "i'm friends with ruel" the girl's eyes widen.

"so you're the famous brynne!" she says, her voice sounds slightly affected by alcohol. i smile at her as she opens the door and envelopes me in a hug. "i'm taylor" she says. "you're so gorgeous".

"um thanks" i laugh awkwardly. i already feel out of place. taylor leads me into the party. everyone is congregated in the backyard. fairy lights are draped across the yard and the pool in the far right-hand corner is illuminated by the light blue pool lights. 

taylor leads me to a group of people seated comfortably in a circle of plastic chairs. a few of the boys have girls on their laps. some of them smile at me awkwardly as i sit down. 

"this is brynne" taylor exclaims. instantly a look of recognition spreads around the circle.

"the one ruel won't fucking shut up about?" one of the boys laughs. my cheeks are inflamed and i can feel them turning a bright shade of red.

"i- i- um- yeah?" i say and nervously laugh. they all introduce themselves to me. the names i can remember are jack, who's a reasonably tall brown-haired boy, georgia, a small thin girl with red hair, emma, a tall girl with a sleek build and brown hair, jake, a blonde boy with a tanned complexion and ethan who kind of resembles ruel, with a curtain haircut;  but is a bit smaller.

we sit and make small talk for a bit, they make me feel so welcome and are so lovely to me. i begin to feel at ease. but then i begin to wonder where ruel is. it's been half an hour and i still haven't seen him. my questions are answered when i feel a pair of long arms wrap around my shoulders. my nose is filled with the strong smell of alcohol.

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