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Rosario + Vampire: Undying:

To be merely immortal, only means to not die from age or natural causes... While to be Undying, only means to live forever, meaning you could return from death. It's like undoing your death.

To be both, is to know that you'll truly last forever.

My name is Gideon Rizona (Rai-zo-na), I'm an undying immortal, shinobi, boy. I don't know how the shinobi part came to be, maybe it was my freerunning and Parkour skills, or the fact that I keep hidden, mini throwing knives in my sleeves, or the fact I'm sneaky as hell, either way it goes, it didn't matter much, seeing that I would (hopefully) not need the blades or stealth, at this new school. 

I'm on the phone with my friend, Dante. He's done some research on the school I'm going to be enrolling in. "Gideon, you'll blend right in, it's a school for monsters, some of these monsters will look useless and pack a serious punch, while others will be the brawn over brain type, either way, try not to tango with anyone unless your life depends on it, even though you're immortal and undying or whatever you call it."

We've been driving for about 14 hours, then we went through a tunnel and I couldn't hear Dante anymore. "Dante? Dante are you there? Damn it!" I knew it wasn't normal for Dante to hang up, without saying goodbye. I looked out the window, and this wasn't an ordinary tunnel, it almost looked like the northern lights placed inside of here, or that stupid cosmic filter from Instagram, but I saw the school we've arrived to, Yōkai academy.

Honestly, I hope I don't end up on anyone's bad side... mainly due to the fact that last month, I got expelled for fighting, well, defending myself and Dante but fighting, nonetheless. Point is, I refuse to have a repeat of history. As we arrived, I kissed my mum goodbye, but before she drove away, she grabbed my arm. "Gideon, don't get into any fights, and if you get into one, unwillingly, don't use your weapons or true power, unless you're doing it to defend someone you truly care about. I love you, but if you fuck up here, I will skin you alive, understand?" I nodded and she kissed my cheek, then she drove away.

I'm hoping I bump into people I can call friends, I decided to start walking around, sadly I've spent 10 minutes in vain, because I couldn't find anyone so I kept walking until I got to the headmaster's office. I saw this girl with a pink blouse, long brown hair, and a skirt almost down to her feet. 

"Hey, are you the headmistress? I'm kinda new here so I was hoping you could lead me in the right direction." She looked up and smiled. "Oh, I'm not the headmistress, or headmaster, to be exact, I appreciate that but, I'm only his assistant. I can show you around though, being that he is quite busy, and out of town. Just follow me." As soon as she said that we started walking.

I want to get to know her because she seemed so calm and nice. "So what's your name?" I ask a bit nervously but she smiled. "My name is Ruby Tojo, what's yours?" The now introduced Ruby saying this makes me smile. "My name is Gideon Rizona, pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Ruby." I said this and she smiled brightly. 

"Wow, polite and a gentleman, I'm beginning to like you more and more, Not to mention you're a pretty nice person." We kept walking and she kept telling me what classes I'll attend and so forth, then she started showing me clubs and I was a bit nervous. There was the chemistry club, drama club, makeup club, anime and manga club, gaming club, swimming club, and a lot more. Then, Ruby showed me the newspaper club...

The club leader's name is Ginei Morioka, and he seemed chill... I could tell he was a lycanthrope (werewolf), with a wolf necklace like that, it's a dead giveaway to monsters, humans on the other hand... they wouldn't know. "Here in the newspaper club, we're all family, a crazy, funny, slightly dysfunctional, harem controlled, family." I smiled as he said that and he pushed me down, saving me from a golden basin falling from the ceiling. 

Rosario + Vampire: Undying: Season 1 - Eternal | 永遠のWhere stories live. Discover now