Planning and an Immortal | 計画と不滅

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I had a dream about yesterday, with what happened with me, Moka, Gideon, and Chopper. When I woke up, I walked to my door to see a note. Reading it slowly and carefully, I realized that it was a summoning from the headmaster. "Oh come on, mate! Really!?!" I could hear Gideon's grievance through the wall, so I walked out and knocked on his door. When he opened he looked at me and noticed what was in my hand.

"You got one, too." Gideon said this before he walked out. He was already dressed and ready. It was four thirty, ante meridian and it was still the morning dusk. The dark blue, nearly night sky, while the sun is barely kissing our surface.

We were walking until we heard Dante. He must've gotten a letter as well. He quickly caught up to us before we all entered the school. "Damn, I thought today would be a chill day." Dante saying this makes me chuckle a bit, before realizing that we could get expelled. "Guys, it could have something to do with what we did to the PSC two weeks ago. If this is expulsion, we've had it coming." I said this and the other two looked ahead, before seeing that we made it to the headmaster's room.

We walked in, only to see him at his desk and he smiled at our presence before greeting us. "Ahh... Welcome. You three read the note. Well Since you're here, I'm going to keep things simple. You three are going to volunteer for this year's festival. The festival this year is a bit understaffed. Of course, if truly desired, you're all free to refuse my offer, the only consequence will be... Expulsion, of not just you three but also those girls that Tsukune hangs around. Call this a reasonable proposal." The headmaster's saying this so lightly only made me, Dante, and Gideon more nervous.

We walked out and I could spot annoyance within Dante's golden eyes. "Well, there goes my plans for today." As the vampire said this, his Immortal sibling chuckled. "Hey boys, turn the letter to the other side... It's a map." As the Brit made this observation, we saw a map of a building leading to the festival committee and the layout of the festival area, not too far from it. "I guess we should get goin' then..." I said this before we walked out, until we saw the building where the Festival activities committee resides.


"Where's Tsukune?! He would leave at a time when we're the most busy!" I asked this hoping anyone would have a lead to the location of my destined one. "Or at least Gideon or Dante-san..." Yukari adding this made me worried... Mainly about Tsukune, but Gideon made me even more worried. I don't have feelings like that for him, like I do for Tsukune, but he's close enough for me to worry. "From what I've heard, Tsukune-kun's working for the headmaster, along with Gideon and Dante, under the threat of expulsion. They can't really do anything about it, besides go with it." I heard Moka say this and it didn't make things easier for me to pinpoint my destined one...

I walked out, determined to find Tsukune, only to have Ruby fall and land on her feet, in front of me. "I know exactly what you're trying to do, but Master Mikogami has given me strict orders to ensure you don't interfere. There's rumor that an evil group by the name of Anti-Thesis have infiltrated the school grounds. The headmaster is using Tsukune as bait to hopefully attract them and give them the motivation to make their moves. Also, fun fact, even if I were to let you, it'd be pointless. The headmaster left hours ago." Ruby saying this made me worry even more...

"Tsukune-kun being used as bait... I won't allow it!" Mizore said this before she ran from her stalking spot and left. "Wait up you crazy snow bitch, I'm coming with you!!"


After sitting through the long meeting, I've been sent to work on setting up banners, while Dante and Tsukune walk with our president's subordinate, Mizuki Ueshiba. My opinions so far, especially about... Hokuto Kaneshiro... Hmph... I can't say I'm too fond of him. Tsukune and Dante seem to like him though, so I'll refrain from any foolishness... I finished placing the banners, so I decided to quietly tail Tsukune, Mizuki, and Dante, hoping I could scare them.

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