Student Police (Part 1) | 学生警察 (パート1)

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Bold - Emphasis
Italic - Thoughts or Notes
Underline - OC introduction
UI - Transformation


'Ugh... My head. What the hell did I do, last night?' I rose out of bed with the worst of headaches and I got dressed, grabbed a red and white bandana and a black tie as well as my blade band and I ran outside to see Tsukune waiting for me. We began walking our normal path, knowing that the others will catch up.

"Gideon-kun, are you alright? You look sick. Are you sure you don't need to stay in your ro-" Tsukune asked this with a tone of worry and I could only let out a long sigh to interrupt him. "I'm fine, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, that's all." We kept walking until someone with long blonde hair and small eyebrows pushed into me. "Well excuse you. Prick." As soon as I mumbled the prick part, he had the nerve to turn around.

"You'd be better off watching your mouth or we'll have a serious problem." The amount of disrespect I had just felt pissed me, completely off. "You're talking like you're all high and important, you need to use that tone with your stylist."

I said this aggressively and the few people around me and Tsukune burst out laughing before I continue. "They can't do eyebrows to save their goddamn selves, you look like a blonde frog, and you have the nerve to act superior. Who are you!?" Me saying that must've hit a few nerves because he punched me in the stomach.

"If you must know, I'm apart of the Public safety committee, in other words, the student police and I could have you punished, for speaking to me, in such a vulgar tone. My name is Kuyo, for future reference and you using my blonde hair as an insult, is like a pot calling the kettle black." As soon as he said this, I laughed.

It was at least five minutes as everyone gathered around me, before I regained my composure. "Public Safety committee? Where were you when a student got molested?! Where were you when girls were getting turned to stone?!? You're a goddamn joke! And if what you claim is true, then fuck the (student) police." I said this and Kuyou tried to punch me, but I ducked his punch and tripped him before I walked away.

Two minutes of loitering and texting, later

Reading Ginei's text of him giving me temporary authority, so he can spend time with his girlfriend, makes me rush to the club room. When I walked in, I noticed that the girls beat me here, though Tsukune along with Moka are no where to be found. 'I guess they're just distributing their papers.' Kurumu looked enraged, so I walked up to her.

"What's wrong, Kurumu?" I asked this out of the fact that she's usually the joyful one of the group. "Well, some bitch tried to steal our regulars and they've made another club. The Yokai Square."

I was confused of what I just learned. "Yokai Square? Hold on... Why do we need two newspaper clubs?" I asked this for Kurumu and Yukari to shrug, before Yukari tugged my tie. "Gideon-kun, come with us. You'll need to help us." Yukari asking this with puppy eyes got me go along with her and the succubus.

Five Minutes later.

"Okay... One of you, explain why we need the French maid and butler getup, again? Kurumu... If this is to get Tsukune to notice you, I can't say he's into that." I said this, only for Yukari to hand me a black suit. "Well, a lot of boys are easily turned on by girls in Maid attire and a lot of girls are into cute and dashing butlers, so there's no doubt that we'll need you, too."

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