Immortal Killer - 不滅のキラー (Friday the 13th special (9/13/2019)

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Okay, I know I'm stalling on the Festival chapter but it's Friday the 13th. With that being said, I've decided that it'd be better to make a mini chapter of a Friday the 13th mixed with Rosario + Vampire. This isn't apart of the story, so what happens here stays here.

Higgins Haven
Third Omniscient
6:13 PM

Gideon woke up and sat outside smoking a cigarette, on the deck of the pond. He was dressed for the summer. Simple pair of jeans, black beater, and black boots. The Brit stood up and he noticed his friends across Blair's. He chose to live in the lone cabin. Kurumu wasn't present, with the others, but instead she was behind the smoking boy. "Hey Blondie, come hang out with us. No, you don't have a choice, quit bein' a hermit. We're here to have fun, remember?" Kurumu said this before grabbing Gideon by the arm and taking the stick of nicotine out of his mouth to stomp it. Gideon in all honesty, wanted to spend time alone, but Kurumu and the others wanted to bring him out, knowing that his birthday was in two or three weeks, so what better way to spend the month than to be in the cabin. Gideon looked at the calendar and saw the date. 'October's Friday the 13th... Interesting.' Gideon was fascinated with why today was know to be a bad day. He personally thought it would be because the disappearance of a few unnamed individuals. What he was ignorant to, was the fact that the very camp that him and his friends are at, is the burial grounds of the camp councilors who were killed, and the hunting grounds for the infamous killer, Jason Voorhees. Gideon had brought a cool sword with him, to show it off to the others. It was a sword used within the Japanese ranks in the army of World war II. This sword was particularly special though, it was named the Trail of Blood. It was highly known for it's name, too. (If you paid attention in chapter III part I, you'd know the origin.)

The two friends joined the group and were greeted to Yukari giggling as she looked at us. "Ooh... Look who decided to join us. Did you sleep alright, Gideon? I know it's been a while since you've been in the US, from what your dad and sister told us. Try not to worry about much, alright?" Yukari asking this made the British boy smile and look at the child in blue. "Right. Hey, have you seen Dante?" Gideon's question made Yukari nod nervously. "Yeah, him and Tsukune went into the woods while you were asleep. This was a while ago, so I'm getting worried." Yukari saying this made Gideon go into the path that he assumed they went onto. "Hey, if I ain't back in ten, assume the worst. Kurumu, keep her with you." Gideon said this before he walked into the woods and started to scout and search of Tsukune and Dante, only to find Dante with a knife in his chest, in place of his no longer beating heart, and Tsukune with limbs removed and his head next to Dante's corpse. Gideon saw a figure with a grey hockey mask, a leather jacket, with holes and an axe. The British boy kicked the figure in the chest, only for him to recover with ease, so they looked at each other, eye to eye. He pulled Moka's head out of a bag and Gideon felt many things. Pain, rage, and incompetence. He decided that the best thing to do would be to check on Ruby, Kurumu, and Yukari. He ran back and he saw his friends driving away. Jason walked out from the woods and Gideon created a ring of fire, trapping them both in flames. Gideon looked at his adversary and said the words, "It's like Rome, y'know. Two warriors enter a Colosseum, only one walks out." As the words were said Gideon reveals his sword as Jason revealed his machete. The flaming ring was spreading, causing trees, cabins, and other things to catch fire. The British boy started to charge Jason and right before he could go for a stab, Jason jumped out of the way and threw three of his throwing knives. Deflecting the pins, Gideon looked at Jason before piercing his blade through Jason's shoulder and watching the killer move back. "You... Are an agent... An agent of vengeance... As I am... I want revenge for the death I met so soon. This camp has a death curse, from Pamela Voorhees, my mother..." Gideon hearing the voice within his head made him angry. "So... You kill those close to me... To make me desire vengeance... Well then... I'll take out my vengeance. First target, you..." As soon as Gideon said this, they fought for hours and hours. Eventually the Enraged killer spirit of Jason Voorhees was overwhelmed by the Immortal killer, Gideon Rizona. He looked at his nemesis and decided, instead of finishing him... He'll take his mask, and he did just that. He now walks around in his flame touched clothing and a hockey mask with the blood of his enemy and the victims his enemy has claimed in the past. To top the cherry, he found out that Kurumu, Yukari, and Ruby died in a car accident. Finding the man who caused the accident, he had a new array of targets. This man and his family.

"It won't bring you all back, but I'll kill them... Every last one of them."

Something short but sweet.
Happy Friday the 13th...



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