Suicide notes and Near Death Experiences | 自殺記録と臨死体験

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I sat near the edge of the cliff, thinking about jumping off. I remember the hastily written suicide note I left in my room... I... Can't live with the fact that the girls recklessly put someone in harm's way, just for me of all people. I know if I'll die, maybe they'll become friends or at least not cause havoc for a petty reason... I stood up and looked behind me and to see an awfully familiar blonde boy in a sports bike jumpsuit get off and leave his matte black helmet on his bike. When he got close enough, I could see that it was Gideon. "Hey Tsukune-san... I'm not one to make obvious observations, but you're dangerously close to the edge of the cliff." Gideon said this and he moved close to me and sat. "It's a beautiful view, isn't it?" My question made Gideon smile and nod. "That, it is. I could see why people would kill themselves here or want to be buried here. They'll always have this beautiful view as their last memory." Gideon said this and made me wonder if he was onto me already. We sat for five minutes, just taking in the view, then I wanted Gideon's attention which led to me asking, "Hey Gideon-kun... Can I ask you a question?" I was granted a nod from the Brit, so I went on. "What happens to people when they die?" Gideon was taken aback by my question, so I couldn't just change the subject now. "Well, dying... I guess it could be described as falling asleep with no chance of waking again, for me though, I guess I'd say it would feel like a hangover mixed with a migraine." Gideon answer this made me think about the pain he goes through, just being resurrected. While the way he described it for normal people, it sounds relaxing. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my friend looked up at me, before looking back at the ocean. Then before I could say anything he started to speak. "Alright... We both know I'm bullshitting, so I'll give you the real reason I followed you here. Vera, found a suicide note in your room... On your nightstand for exact location. She had called me from your phone, which was perfect timing because I was originally going to buy some breakfast for Kurumu and Dante. Tell me, Tsukune... Why would you want to die? You have two loving sisters, girls that will literally devote themselves to you, friends that will be by you forever and a loving family. I'm not saying I don't have that, but you have to realize that you'll be hurting people if you die." Gideon saying this didn't do anything for me. I turned around to see a coffin and a hole in the ground. I looked at the coffin and Gideon looks up as I walk towards the coffin. "If you really want to die, we can't stop you. Just know you'll be missed." I heard Gideon... No, not Gideon... Anozir say this and I felt a needle slip into my neck before blacking out.

An hour later

I... I can't move... "If you truly want to die, Tsukune, I'll bury you alive so you can get the pleasure of dyin' in the dark, alone." Anozir saying this made me worry. And I could scream but no one would hear me. I started to see memories of my past... The trail I first meet Moka on... It felt different. Instead of Moka being on the bike, coming to soon hit me... It was my dead friend, Ana. Ana was a friend of mine in middle school, who was alone and hated by others, others except me. She had gone through so much, she killed herself on the train tracks. "Tsu-Tsukune... I've missed you so much. You said we'll be friends forever and we're back again. We'll stay together, this time for real, right?" Ana saying this made me worry. As I looked closer, I saw that she was bleeding from her arms and all over, with damage from her suicide... I closed my eyes and opened them again to see myself on the bus, on our way home. Except this time, it was only me and Dante.

Dante wearing the outfit he wore the day we rode home. "Tsukune, you know... If it's one thing I enjoy about you... It's who you are. I could get shot tomorrow and I wouldn't have a regret, knowing that I got to know someone as cool as you, Gideon, and the girls. Just no matter what, be you. You literally have everything you want, just hold on to it." Dante's vision reciting his words made my eyes water... I could only think how he looks at me and I know that if I were to die, he'd be the one stuck with my demons. "Da-Dante-san... I'm lost... I am truly lost... I need some sort of guidance... I don't want to feel responsible for the action of the girls, but they do everything they've done for me..." My plea made Dante's vision look at me and he hugged me. "It'll be okay, brother... Just do what's right... Face the future... Not the past." Dante's statement started to echo, before I ended up onto a set of train tracks... I saw Ana again. These were the tracks Ana died on. "Tsukune-kun... We used to play here... All the time after school, I have to ask, if you were with me... Would you lay onto these tracks with me?" Ana's question, after Dante's advice and Anozir's remark really made me think. As soon as I thought about my friends and family around me, I looked at Ana... "Forgive me... But... I can't condemn myself to be here with you..." My refusal made Ana start to cry and I looked at her. "Oh, I get it... You have better friends now you forgot about little ol me, right? You hate me now, is that it..." As Ana said this, I saw her summon multiple hands and she tried to grab me... I felt my energy and my mind change... "I'll always hold you in my heart and thoughts Ana, but you're no longer alive! You're dead! I'm still here and I have a chance to live and no matter what, I'll take it!" I no longer wanted to die, I wanted to live on with Moka, the other girls and my friends. I opened my eyes and I started to move around in the coffin... It took a few tries but as soon as I got it opened, I was greeted to the dirt pouring down onto me, before I saw Gideon sitting on his bike, which is covered with a tarp, due to the rain. "About time, I was getting worried that I'd have to dig you out myself." As Gideon and Anozir said this in sync, Anozir adding the demonic tone, he walked over to me and helped me out of my makeshift grave. As soon as I stepped up with Gideon's grasp, I saw Anozir restore Gideon's eyes to make them normal while giving Gideon full control. "Am... Am I dead? Am I still in a dream? Or memory?" As soon as I asked my question Gideon looked down at me. "If you were dead, you'd be seeing the Reaper. This is reality and you are in fact alive... You know, you felt like you only caused problems, but in all honesty, you never did. I mean, sure, you could've done things a bit different, but we can't dwell in the past. You'll never grow otherwise." As soon as my friend said this to me, I smiled brightly, as I layed in the untouched grass, letting the rain soak me, before realizing how dark it's gotten. I decided to ask Gideon the question which was, "Hey Gideon, what time is it?" " It is 6:00 a.m. and it is Saturday. You've been in the ground for about seventy-two hours. You didn't want to die that bad, seeing that you came up after three days. Now c'mon, I gotta get you home." Gideon saying this made me feel bad, he really sat out here, for me... For three days. "Three days? Aren't you hungry or sleepy?" My question made Gideon chuckle. "Heh, I start to lose sense of that when I've got a friend buried alive... We can get something to eat, first, then we absolutely have to get you home. Besides, I need to shower." Gideon's concern for me made me smile before he got on his bike and shouted, "Get on, Tsukune-san, you're riding bitch." "I'll just walk then..." I tried to walk but Gideon stayed. "Get on, just don't wrap your arms 'round my waist, 'kay." As soon as the Brit said what he said, I got on and held onto the back of the bike, before he drove us to a restaurant. We didn't order much, just enough for me and him, while he also ordered food for Kurumu and Dante. We drove back to our block and Gideon dropped me off at my place, before driving into his garage which isn't far from me. I knocked on the door and it was opened to Vera and Kyoko hugging me. "Tsuki... Pl-please don't run off like that... again..." Kyoko was crying onto me and I realized that Gideon was right, I would be hurting people if I died... I now see why I'm loved... Dante said it himself... I'll face the future, and not dwell on my past...


I had got into the shower room and started to wash myself. I had gotten the mud and filth of off my body and I felt myself become cleaner already. Afterwards, I got into the standing shower and I felt two soft mounds rub against me. I knew this was Kurumu, seeing that it wasn't the first time she's done this, though to be fair, she seemed a bit more nervous then usual. "Hi, my British beloved. I'm guessing you found Tsukune, since you're back home?" I nodded to her question and I felt her lick my neck. I started to giggle a bit, her tongue tickled me. "Kurumu... Sto...p.... It... I'm ticklish." "Hey, you might be verbally telling me to stop, but you know you don't want me to." As she said that, I knew she was right. "Hey, I want... I want to take a different type of shower with you..." Kurumu said this in a tone that was meant to seduce... I'll say this, it's working...

Blood: I hope you all enjoyed. I didn't want to make this one too long but we know that some of this is a reference to Pro-

Yuuji K.: You're not slick...

Anozir: Yeah, you really thought you could take a bit of Project Grisaia and get away with it.

Yuuji: Give me one reason, why I shouldn't shoot you...

Blood: Umm... If you let me live.....

Yuuji: Listening... Loads Intervention

Blood: Okay I got nothing...

Yuuji: Actually I might have a proposal, I want a feature in this story.

Anozir: Yuuji... You're a human with no extraordinary powers... Not to mention you aren't a rosvamp character...

Yuuji: You aren't even canon. Besides, I could always kill your writer.

Blood: Though... You are pretty badass in Project Grisaia and Labyrinth of Grisaia... Okay, I'll see what I can do. Now lower the gun...

Katherine: My internet's back... But hold on... You decide to tease us with the start of a lemon and not go into detail with it...

Anozir: Ah, Lady Katherine, I was just about to bring that up, actually... Yeah, why are you being a fucking tease...

Kurumu: I wanted Gideon/Ano to deflower me and you decide to be a tease...

Yuuji: So I'm not the only one who's a victim of your bullshit...

Blood: Victim? Okay y'all taking it a bit too far...

Kurumu and Katherine: Then do the lemon...

Nxrthstar: Next chapter, I promise. Now till then, goodbye friends!

Fun fact, Katherine was actually mad that I teased the lemon.

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